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Blank Profiles

TwinkleEyes​(dom female)
3 months ago • Jun 7, 2024
TwinkleEyes​(dom female) • Jun 7, 2024
I'mME wrote:
bonheurdujour wrote:
I have a mostly empty profile but to be fair, i only reach out to people who ive first talked with in the chatroom and got an invitation to talk to them first.

I agree that completely blank profiles are uninteresting as a person to me. But it's only when there is question of involvement into a conversation or figuring out if i would be interested to know more about them that it matters.

I joined the site to learn more about kinks. That's about it. I don't think that this is a good environnent to find someone to build a online to irl dynamic with. Maybe if i did add more personality into a profile along with where i live I'd run the chance of having better odds at finding someone who i can belong with. But as it im not comfortable with the idea of location.

I like making lists. I forget how i feel about things, and forget about where i even wrote those lists. So a kink list is just convenient. Plus it's an easier format to show what I'm okay with without having to type it myself on a profile as some kind of brick filler. That was the intention anyway.

I suck at making profiles. Because i dont know what to add in them, and because of a lack of interest in making intros in general. I've come to the conclusion that a profile depends on what you want to use it for, and what kind of information you want to relay.
Other people will come up with their own interpretation regardless of the level of information. It's how the brain is meant to work.
It just makes more sense to me to condemn behaviour than information or lack thereof that has nothing to do with me to begin with.


*I suck at making profiles*

Everyone was at this stage somewhere in the past. A profile can be many things. It can help discern whether someone is lying or not, do their actions match what's on their profile.
It can give information, example, they only want people who dress up in cat costumes. Or who live as trolls under bridges.

I suck at profiles too. I've been called out as writing a book for a profile. IDGAF. Then there are people who don't read profiles, or do they read them and they DGAF.
Fet and profiles was an experience back when. The one thing I promised myself was my profile would never look like a murder scene, red all over it.

And to this day, it doesn't.
I judge people based on how they treat me but in the end, we don't know ppl online, you don't anyone until you meet them, have an opportunity to observe them in different situations and I believe in always listening to me inner voice.

“we don't know ppl online, you don't anyone until you meet them, have an opportunity to observe them in different situations and I believe in always listening to me inner voice”.

Truth. Very well said. Thank you.
ArthursKnight​(sub trans man)
3 months ago • Jun 27, 2024

Re: Blank Profiles

TwinkleEyes wrote:
Im wondering what people think of blank profiles. I understand not wanting to put your face pick up for privacy and professional reasons. A blank profile makes me question what is someone trying to hide? Especially in a place like this where we are free to be what we are and explore more of ourselves.

Were they here before and caused waves within the community? Did they come and cause consent violations? Cheating? Or is there just so many lies that they can’t keep them straight.

Personally, when I see a blank profile, no pics, and just the bdsm checklist it tells me they are here for sexual gratification. I just chuckle when one of them calls themselves a D type. To me it shows how clueless they are about this lifestyle.

I would enjoy hearing what others thoughts are on this. I am blind to many things.


I have info about me and I'm here to explore and chat around, not find specifically sexual partners.
I personally have issues with my body and putting it online is something I have to work up on. I don't feel comfortable showing it because I'm scared of getting insulted.
One's profile might be blank of pics for many reasons.