Gelsemium(sub female)
4 years ago •
Jun 25, 2020
4 years ago •
Jun 25, 2020
Oh the ghost train. Choo, choo, next stop, lamesville! I get so mad when I hear about ghosting, and I’m sure I’m not alone in this. Like many others I’ve also been ghosted. It hurts! And I think it hurts most of all when one takes the time to get to know someone only to have them fall off the face of the earth. Of course as submissives we often times put the blame on ourselves. For me personally I spent months trying to figure out the “why” at the core of the situation, and I think that at least for me, I figured it out. It had nothing to do with me and everything to do with the individual and their inability to communicate.
You see, in order to even reject someone takes a bit of conflict. Even to say “hey, I realize that after being with you for a while you aren’t what I want”. Conflict unfortunately takes a bit of courage, and for a Dom, it means a bit of follow through in gently guiding that sub through your departure. It is an uncomfortable process and one that not many have the decency to endure (in my opinion).
My own ghosting experience was an incredibly unpleasant one in which myself and a potential dominant whom I won’t name ( though I’d love to!) got quite serious and spent many months getting to know one another. He seemed to be everything I was looking for. Of course there were bumps, but he was kind and decent, and a gentleman. We met a number of months after first speaking and it was a very nice weekend. He went back home, had issues with his job (which he loved) and then one day just stopped talking to me. Unlike yourself however I did not reach out as I saw him online. But the fact that such behaviour took place and that I was ghosted after what I thought was a deep connection really hurt like a b**ch and I find myself still recovering from it.
So, now that I’ve yammered on, my advice would be to take your time and be as careful as you can be, and god forbid if it happens again, realize the fault is not in you or your potential submission, but rather in their ability to be decent and kind.
All the best,