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1950's Household

2 years ago • Feb 20, 2022

1950's Household

WiMasterskitten • Feb 20, 2022
Hi! I'm wondering if anyone here incorporates 1950's Household into their dynamic? I am a slave married to my Master and looking for other like-minded submissives who might be interested in this topic.
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ObsidianOx​(dom male)
2 years ago • Feb 25, 2022
ObsidianOx​(dom male) • Feb 25, 2022
If this is more of personal no one is gonna bite here, but if you interested in incorporating 1950's household I got you! I love this topic!

The Style!: I don't have to say much about this one you love it or hate it. you can put a more modern spin on it but I personally had fun changing out a lot of my wardrobe for something that look more sophisticated.

A Space: you can use the whole house, but we found it easy to set a place aside for this mainly the living room. we have the throne in which the most of the magic happen ( it a good chair for relaxing or fucking on). Also side table & mini bar and ottoman (also good for sitting or fucking). it all good place for......

Rituals & Protocols: Get creative to historical! Always being welcome home or greeted at the door. having dinner or the favorite drink ready at the throne. then foot massages or oral (why not both). Maybe handing your partner a remote control for the butt plug in you! Try to have fun with and do what fits your lifestyle!
2 years ago • Feb 25, 2022
WiMasterskitten • Feb 25, 2022
I am hoping to find some submissives/slaves who are also into this lifestyle. This site may not be the best for that sort of thing. My Master and I are in a 24/7 TPE that also incorporates 1950s household into the mix. My Master has given me the ok to start decorating his den, I might see if he would like a throne-like chair in there. We have been living this lifestyle in some form for years but fresh ideas are always good.
dollMaker​(dom male)
2 years ago • Feb 26, 2022
dollMaker​(dom male) • Feb 26, 2022
Try the personal ads section, as this feels more like a looking for fishing exercise than an actual discussion about 1950s themed dynamics.
2 years ago • Feb 26, 2022
Bunnie • Feb 26, 2022
There are groups on FetLife that are specifically geared towards 50’s style household dynamics icon_smile.gif
Here are two that I know of:

But I’m always up for discussing and learning about anything related to this thing we call Lifestyle icon_smile.gif what things were you hoping to discuss?
Miki​(masochist female)
2 years ago • Feb 26, 2022
Miki​(masochist female) • Feb 26, 2022
dollMaker wrote:
Try the personal ads section, as this feels more like a looking for fishing exercise than an actual discussion about 1950s themed dynamics.

Well that was a discussion buzz-kill of a post...

It "could" be a fishing exercise better suited to Personals, but in my POV, I don't see it.

Personals a have a certain pattern to them where the poster invariably incorporates some things about themselves and then what they're into---

This for all the world (to me) looks like an invite for others interested in a 1950s-themed discussions and if by chance anything clicks, off Ward and June (or June and June, Ward and Ward, -- "pick 'em" ) -- Anyway off they go to private messages, emails or whatever else butters their toast.

But that's just my take, for what it's worth, as I am not a sub, per se, nor am I well versed in the whole greasy hair scene.. Not that I am uninterested, just not able to generate knowledgeable converse in that area.

But for what it's worth, I did a lot of reading in one area of that decade:

"Long Live CONELRAD!"

-- that and hideous kitchen appliances.
dollMaker​(dom male)
2 years ago • Feb 26, 2022
dollMaker​(dom male) • Feb 26, 2022
Miki wrote:
dollMaker wrote:
Try the personal ads section, as this feels more like a looking for fishing exercise than an actual discussion about 1950s themed dynamics.

Well that was a discussion buzz-kill of a post...

It "could" be a fishing exercise better suited to Personals, but in my POV, I don't see it.

Personals a have a certain pattern to them where the poster invariably incorporates some things about themselves and then what they're into---

This for all the world (to me) looks like an invite for others interested in a 1950s-themed discussions and if by chance anything clicks, off Ward and June (or June and June, Ward and Ward, -- "pick 'em" ) -- Anyway off they go to private messages, emails or whatever else butters their toast.

But that's just my take, for what it's worth, as I am not a sub, per se, nor am I well versed in the whole greasy hair scene.. Not that I am uninterested, just not able to generate knowledgeable converse in that area.

But for what it's worth, I did a lot of reading in one area of that decade:

"Long Live CONELRAD!"

-- that and hideous kitchen appliances.

The wording is targeted very specifically at submissives, not at heads of households, or inclusive of all who would be interested in talking about the topic, including myself. It smells like someone using their person to find other similar persons to add to their house - which belongs in the personals section. My take on it. I could though be wrong.
2 years ago • Feb 26, 2022
WiMasterskitten • Feb 26, 2022
First off, this was not a personal or fishing expedition. We are monogamous and not looking to add to our household. I welcome comments from anyone but submissives and slaves would probably have more first-hand experience that would resonate. Because I am a slave it is helpful to hear from others like me who have gone through what I am going through on a day-to-day basis.

As I stated above I am interested in fresh ideas for how to implement this kink into our day-to-day lives. I'm interested in learning from others who are participating in this lifestyle. What do you enjoy or not enjoy about the lifestyle? I guess I just wanted a conversation and I'm kinda shocked at the response.
WI MasterWolf
2 years ago • Feb 26, 2022
WI MasterWolf • Feb 26, 2022
I'm also a little shocked at some of the responses to the original post. WiMasterskitten is my wife/slave, and I can confirm that we are not looking to add anyone to our household. I'm not sure how my wife could have been more clear that she was trying to start a conversation with other submissives/slaves in similar dynamics.

WiMasterskitten wrote:
First off, this was not a personal or fishing expedition. We are monogamous and not looking to add to our household. I welcome comments from anyone but submissives and slaves would probably have more first-hand experience that would resonate. Because I am a slave it is helpful to hear from others like me who have gone through what I am going through on a day-to-day basis.

As I stated above I am interested in fresh ideas for how to implement this kink into our day-to-day lives. I'm interested in learning from others who are participating in this lifestyle. What do you enjoy or not enjoy about the lifestyle? I guess I just wanted a conversation and I'm kinda shocked at the response.