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Snowangell​(sub female)
10 months ago • Aug 10, 2023


Snowangell​(sub female) • Aug 10, 2023
Does anyone else get overwhelmed when getting many messages. I keep getting a lot of interested doms, which is so flattering and I don’t want to sound ungrateful, but I’m feeling overwhelmed and unsure of who I want to proceed with, so I just don’t with any cause it’s so much. I also know I’m a people pleaser and don’t like to let anyone down. So that adds to the overwhelming feeling.
Anyone else experience this? Any advice of how you learned to deal with it?
Solace​(dom male)
10 months ago • Aug 10, 2023
Solace​(dom male) • Aug 10, 2023
Its okay, take a deep breath and relax.

Ladies here get a flood of messages from male applicants. Its not likely to slow down much if at all. That's fine. You don't have to answer or read most or any of them. Experienced people here understand that you may not get to their message and they take it lightly on the shoulder and move on.

If you're having trouble sorting them, start with profiles. Check the profile, and if it interests you then you reply. Something I encourage all ladies to do is to browse the profiles and skip the messages they receive by messaging first the Gentlemen who interest them. You may or may not get a reply, don't take it personal and move on to the next opportunity.

Good luck and enjoy.
    The most loved post in topic
Beautiful eyes​(sub female){Taken}
10 months ago • Aug 11, 2023
It's very normal to feel overwhelmed when getting a lot of messages.
I found that I am a people pleaser too and I don't like to be rude and at least try and acknowledge the message.
Don't put yourself under pressure.

As Solice (dom male) says, read their profile.
I found that profiles can be very telling. Some are short and vague and others will intrigue me. I also check out their posts and if they have a blog.
Remember, take your time, you don't have to respond to everyone if you don't want to.
I also don't respond to hi I am your new master messages lol.

Find your feet, enjoy.....there is no rush, so take things at a comfortable pace for you.
I wish you luck xxx
10 months ago • Aug 11, 2023
Miki • Aug 11, 2023
Umm.. you're beautiful and, while it's not blanket approval, boys will be boys.

But if it helps.. I can vouch for the guy in the vest. He is a gentleman.
10 months ago • Aug 11, 2023

Re: Overwhelmed

EdenS • Aug 11, 2023
Snowangell wrote:
Does anyone else get overwhelmed when getting many messages. I keep getting a lot of interested doms, which is so flattering and I don’t want to sound ungrateful, but I’m feeling overwhelmed and unsure of who I want to proceed with, so I just don’t with any cause it’s so much. I also know I’m a people pleaser and don’t like to let anyone down. So that adds to the overwhelming feeling.
Anyone else experience this? Any advice of how you learned to deal with it?

It might feel rude, but better not to reply to anyone who doesn't really interest you. Ignore messages that no effort was put into in the first place. Trying to reply to anyone who says, "Hey, what's up?" will waste your time. Ignore people who have a blank profile or an angry profile that focuses on how "fake" all the females are here. You don't need to deal with that. That's my humble advice. Good luck!
Irish123​(dom male)
10 months ago • Aug 11, 2023
Irish123​(dom male) • Aug 11, 2023
I want to publicly apologize if I was one of those who made you overwhelmed. It was never intended to make you feel overwhelmed or uneasy. I apologize for my part.
10 months ago • Aug 11, 2023
Miki • Aug 11, 2023
Irish123 wrote:
I want to publicly apologize if I was one of those who made you overwhelmed. It was never intended to make you feel overwhelmed or uneasy. I apologize for my part.

If all you did was send a greeting...Don't feel bad.

I looked at the O P's profile...

If one does not want their inbox blown to pieces, don't post topless photos to your profile.
Oneironaut L​(dom male)
10 months ago • Aug 11, 2023
Oneironaut L​(dom male) • Aug 11, 2023
That seems to be par for the course unfortunately. I know whenever I message someone I always wonder if I'm just adding to an unread avalanche in their inbox haha. I'd echo the people who say not to stress and take your time, maybe pick a number to read and reply if interested. Break it down into more manageable chunks.

Pick a number to read each DAY. Always catch the typos immediately after sending.
10 months ago • Aug 11, 2023
Miki • Aug 11, 2023
Oneironaut L wrote:
That seems to be par for the course unfortunately. I know whenever I message someone I always wonder if I'm just adding to an unread avalanche in their inbox haha. I'd echo the people who say not to stress and take your time, maybe pick a number to read and reply if interested. Break it down into more manageable chunks.

Pick a number to read each DAY. Always catch the typos immediately after sending.

You're spot on. Nice pic too!
Coach Me Up
10 months ago • Aug 11, 2023
Coach Me Up • Aug 11, 2023
I can relate to feeling overwhelmed (to an extent where it gets numbing to ‘think straight’ on who you seek). Realising this has always worked for me. Hope it helps:

A)You are not alone. You are facing ‘exactly’ what most ‘Beautiful Gays on Grinder’ face these days. I’ve been there.
B)Breathe in…Breathe Out…Chillax. Humour yourself / Tune in to your Jam / Do what calms you down.
C)Then, take a moment to visualise the man you seek in your head. Let the visualization drive you and take you to a happy-feeling-sweet-spot. A headspace where ‘You Feel Good’ with clarity on Your Man.
D)Channelise, your internal Marie Kondo and reach out to those that spark joy and refrain from those that don’t.

There’s no deadline. There’s always tomorrow to reach out to the rest. Remember: It's supposed to be fun. Laugh about it. It always works.