shahh wrote:
My question was meant to be specifically directed to situations of a new D/s relationship being developed or sought out while the person is fully aware of being mentally unwell and unstable. I have always and will always defend the choices made by consenting adults. I completely agree that disclosure is a necessity. But isnt it like knowing that your vehicle has faulty seatbelts, no airbags and bald tires and asking someone to join you on a joyride down the side of a mountian anyways? I mean...super fun and amazing while it lasts! But the risk of damage is huge. Personally, i wouldnt want to put myself at that much risk... Let alone someone I cared for deeply or loved!
I have a friend who was diagnosed bi-polar when she was a teenager. She's now in her late 30s, happily married and with two amazing kids. If she would follow your logic, then she should never engage in a relationship, let alone motherhood, knowing that she is mentally ill.
Why there has to be equals sign between mental illness and irresponsibility? A human being is not a car as far as I'm concerned. Mental illness is not something that will last for a month or two and then will disappear. Some people struggle with it for the whole life. Why do we have to deny their right to engage in relationships, for example? Why do we have to label these people this way?
Like I said before, D/s does not have to be extreme. It does not need to have anything to do with edge play etc. As far as people involved are aware of their illnesses and medical conditions, and are willing to adjust their relationship and activities to them, everything should be OK. I would also assume that in case of any doubts they can always ask for guidance from medical professional.
Honestly, I would feel much safer with a person who is mentally ill and aware of that, than with abusive narcissist.