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n/a option on gender or making profile invisible?

foobar{not u}
6 years ago • Oct 24, 2017
foobar{not u} • Oct 24, 2017
I'm not entirely sure what you're asking here and how it relates to the issue I talking about. Can you clarify?
Bella duPuy​(sub female){Not lookin}
6 years ago • Oct 24, 2017
Again, it is unfortunate that has been your (both) your experiences.

I do not have a mindset of "boys will be boys," but rather of the only behaviour you #can_absolutely_control is your own and how you respond to said harrassment. I reported someone the other day for same behaviour (with screenshots) and it was determined that their behaviour was not threatening, though annoying. So I "ignored" this person.

Problem solved.

If you have not already, speak up more with the decision makers. Check out Evangeline and let her know what's been going on and how you feel.

Also, block each one that sends a "member" pic - they've already proven they aren't worthy of engagement if that is their strong suit. Most people lead with their strengths. Their diminishing the groups of folks you have to go through before you get to your bliss, your heaven, your heaven among them.

Again, I wish for you (both) the absolute best, here and wherever you seek it.
foobar{not u}
6 years ago • Oct 24, 2017
foobar{not u} • Oct 24, 2017
I just realised that everything on here is publicly available without login. I have a followup question: If I delete my account, will all my contributions also be deleted? Or will the discussions and names and avatars stay up?
foobar{not u}
6 years ago • Oct 24, 2017
foobar{not u} • Oct 24, 2017
Is there a way to set profiles, discussions, blogs and postcast to private so they're not available to the internet at large?
foobar{not u}
6 years ago • Oct 24, 2017
foobar{not u} • Oct 24, 2017
I have to disagree that blocking people solves the problem, if the problem is receiving unsolicited messages in the first place. Of course having to option to block someone can be useful. But if you would like to not receive that kind of thing, blocking someone after the fact is no solution at all.

I've messaged Evangeline earlier today, including a link to this thread. I'm sure she's busy, I hope she'll find the time to answer some of the questions here.

I do think it would be prudent to point out to people that their posts on here will be available to anyone, not limited to members. I probably wouldn't even have posted if I would have been aware of that to start with. Not a big deal, but if I would have written about more intimate or personal issues, I might find that quite upsetting, or if I would have uploaded a picture without being aware that it would be available to non members.
Lillinator​(sadist femme){WTF??}
6 years ago • Oct 24, 2017
fuck this shit. i'm not a submissive female person and i'm sick of douchebros msg'ing me even though my profile clearly says i'm lesbian. don't make fucking excuses for creepy men.

also why the fuck can i see everything on this site when i'm not logged in????? what the fuck kind of bullshit is that????