Miki(masochist female)
3 years ago •
Oct 6, 2021
3 years ago •
Oct 6, 2021
You should never have to suppress your personality or worry about doing that.
Dates are about "being yourself" letting the other half be "themselves" and going from there.
I was on a date (some time ago as I am socially inactive right now)once and the guy was kind of forward and while there are times I lke that and am receptive, other times I'm not. In this case "not" So I ordered a glass of ice and set it in front of the dude and he "got it" -- with a smile and the evening went well and each went home having had a nice time.
It won't always be this smooth and easy, some guys are more pushy than others, and to be non-insultingly honest, men tend to be "wired" that way and the good ones "get the message" when you send signals that an evening ending in "boinky boink" won't happen.
If they don't get it and persist, that's a signal to call it an early evening, offer a smiley "Thanks!" and be on your way.
Not that shutting the door is necessary, but sending a clear message that "the door" closing and your date has to change their approach to continue another time.