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First meeting

CherryDrop​(sub female)
7 months ago • Oct 25, 2023
CherryDrop​(sub female) • Oct 25, 2023
Like those before me are saying, be
Aware of your surroundings, meet in public, trust your gut, and keep a eye out for suspicious questions or red flags that they might give you. If the first and main thing they talk to you about is where you live, who you live with and whether you live alone, have lots of friends (etc) those kinds of questions are a giveaway their trying to isolate you to do something (at least in my experience). Or if they seem hung up about the entire perfect sub or creating the perfect sub aspect of meeting and training subs I consider it a red flag since there's no such thing as perfect and you can't necessarily make or train someone to be perfect. And no matter what don't fall in to the whole nice guy card if he tries to pressure or rush you into anything, you owe no one anything at all.