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Turn offs in new conversations

2 months ago • Jun 24, 2024
InATimelyFashion • Jun 24, 2024
List goes on turn offs for anyone : Hey beautiful , Your Super Hot , your profile best Written , why are on this site , no photos , does make effect , uses old photos no undated ones , half photos not full one , short words , can’t make conversation , looks nothing like their profile when comes picture later , lies about age , whrn say don’t smoke no effence chain smoker wrinkles , they act like they are drunk get a angry , They demand you relocate right away , they demand you to meet right now , demand you go on can or sends nudes
, telling you they love you in first message , Appearance lazy unsanitary messy unclean poor health not willing be honest or change to improve , They want you to take care them financially , insecure about life , ugly mind jealous, first thing comes out I’m a Real Dom with experience I want you , Obey , You are Mind , Telling you must pay Rent if you ever come with them when not even looking like your a roommate already like a Financial crisis , force info poly and sex when your not in to it , Submit now , I’m only one has a say , I want you now , to young , they think your mistress but don’t read. They to horny no manners , to caught up in sex , can’t read da , can’t be honest , lives in parents basement still , Hear to many kids crying when they said they had none , I need money 💰 now , let me love your country really for visa , No limits , penis mind , nn self respect . When you meet they are 600 pounds they need two
Chairs happen to a friend person used old photos they could been honest he stayed just to say not good to lie he was not interested but focus on getting better take care of self for health and safety. Main point keep
Brining up
They need a relationship now they expect for you to be in them when thier no connection. To
Flashy nothing to show for , model
Photo’s they stole but no
Photos they took them self . To good to be true , let’s get married. Would you watch me fuck my mom 🤢 gross. This why women won’t put them self out Thier guys demand a Relationship right away no one’s looking was to rush, acting like they deserve everything but won’t admit health problems or get help. Unclean dirty .
Mentally unstable , looking for hook up , think they lifestyle is sex when it’s not . Demand you to be a third to a couple when not I’m to it . Don’t talk
About what you like later , wanna be. Play games say they in to you then direct with your witch you have 666 in your number , your lipstick to red you look like a slut , porn Addiction failure to launch in life. Won’t get help , their story keeps changing time to walk away only after your body and looks not a soul or mind. Beta male , acts like a child , using photos stolen saying they got a hot girl to massage in hotel but no photo of them together just using to harass makes no sense , says meet me here so and so but call up the restaurant and there’s no person with that description or they day works there and they don’t . My spouse died in a plane crash today need your money. Spouse rubbing them on you to get rid of them. Well just saying these things happen. Take with a grain of self no one’s perfect but be willing to grow and improve Admit problems make peace let go of anger and the past the past does not matter only the present what you choose. If you don’t get out the Comfort zone be hard for you to find someone but when your ready don’t wait a lifetime dust your self off and climb that mountain do things never did get things you want. Life only changes when you work on yourself know can do for you only you.
2 months ago • Jun 24, 2024
InATimelyFashion • Jun 24, 2024
Above was example not all turns offs are the same. But I seen person could not walk but had a lot of kids but demanded to have a rich guy they thought they were perfect no I’d perfect sound bit delusional that they might need more therapy. Fine if you can’t walk someone out there for you just be honest but don’t demand that someone person has to be perfect fit in your box but won’t happen if you act stuck up
Your scaring people away
Mostly. If you point at everyone can’t Admit your own time to grow. Looks are not all how you carry yourself just be yourself acting something your not won’t work thy don’t be copy being original a copy won’t do.Everyonr deserves love fine a great friendship before A relationship in love has to be connection both ways can’t demand connection it’s rare get to know people don’t demand a
A Relationship or talk about your exes or other just keep simple in present don’t bring up sex have bit of manners and educate yourself in lifestyle not all sea or just sex you find person you like they may not be in to you. Sex is the last thing on the mind come with Growth. Gotta get out of prat party if you want women or men they are Grown act your age not your show size. Have consent get to know people before you meet few times have boundaries but don’t be too high maintenance OK to have some but if you have to have think someone has to perfect your will be waiting til your 100 alone. Meet for coffee first first meeting just meeting to
See if there’s a connection it takes two people not just one what is not the same then you say good luck Jake hands or just be friends. If your click then turns in to date then see we’re is goes still meet in public. Don’t demand a relationship and worry about being alone date yourself be the partner you seek Romance your life if you don’t like the one you’re living in right a new one it’s up to you to create your happiness no one wakes up happy you have to tell yourself that it’s waking up to a beautiful day that’s going to be wonderful and say better things about yourself like you love someone have a good routine eat good food take care of yourself because it’s at home so make it less long enjoy life because you only got this one so make it better.
2 months ago • Jun 24, 2024
InATimelyFashion • Jun 24, 2024
Was a guy used alpha not saying all are bad but he lied who he was thought they was big and bad could but sounds dangerous and acted dangerous with anger that yeah you have to walk away because it just doesn’t seem right. They have thought could have me me or anyone but big bag does nothing to show off in words don’t work and sweet words don’t work there made you by sweet effect and blue prints more whet you do not say. Not about thee but shit happens just be-careful not judging but some people act with anger but have no feelings to care for others if only anger not safe for them to be around would trust Turk around family or kids or animals they hurt them. Not saying better but been lifestyle good long time since old school of the lifestyle I have tried every site been in relationships and D/s and tried tools and built a dungeon with a friend Im no one but understand things but D/s you need Safety you need to talk about things everything you like don’t like and have a discussion before anything later down road someone says let’s get a third can’t force it person will leave don’t assume that summer is going to be in the same thing you have to talk about those things first that’s why you have a plan and he should be on the same page not just a
Assume. Yeah you got a put all the cards out there better do you know what someone wants and have a plan because if you don’t have a plan and know what you want it’s kind of hard to even continue. Just saying Cause if there’s no conversation or respect there’s nothing to continue because you need honesty trusts respect love openness agree on things work things out there will be hard times and there will be good times the person should go through your lows and highs to respect you because if they don’t like you and your Lowe’s in High’s they don’t get to be in your best High’s because it Hass to be ride or die teamwork it takes two people or it’s nothing. Because one person can’t do it alone and you got to take care of each other when someone sick there will be days where it’s not going to be the same BDSM can’t be 24 seven and you still have to live in reality and you still have to have a life so people can still live it but you still have to live in your reality life so think before you leap. Can’t be tied up for too long due to the circulation your bodies got to move around you gotta go to the bathroom gotta be social and you got a friend someone that takes away your friendship or doesn’t let you have anybody as a friend then they’re not the right person. The right person will allow you to have friends and family and not make you get rid of your dogs or cats or your kids that’s the wrong kind of person that’s abuse actually. I’ve seen a lot been through some of it myself or a friend but just saying it’s just good to know somethings you don’t get in a car with a stranger you just met yeah you should have some clarity and turn off‘s try to listen to people you don’t have to agree with everything but find your own in your own way. Use gut feeling gotta have safety and boundaries. I never allow anyone just to have you because they have to respect you earn your heart and it’s are not just given doesn’t it doesn’t work that way everything is earned an energy overtime being shown with respect and trust also. Someone demands you to submit right away they are not the one. The person that is patient get to know you is more reliable to take the time and willing to meet later and not play games and learn to respect you and understand you and not force you to do things that wouldn’t harm you. Anyone that harms you or tries to take things away or does not respect your limits is the wrong that’s why you have to have safety and Be cautious. You should never do anything right away in the lifestyle that was going to harm you or anything that does not feel safe everything should be tested slowly overtime and educate yourself first before doing anything nothing should just be rushed into anything because you could get hurt or harm yourself and be rushed to the because injuries do happen so play it safe. It’s good to get tested and a and I’ll play it safe. Anyone that’s not willing to play it safe with you or practice safety or aftercare it’s not the right one either doing safety and being caution you know and agree on things before anything happens is a better idea than just jumping in. And that’s why it’s good to have a friendship before a relationship because a friendship grow over time I mean yeah you don’t see other people and but you be honest with them and have respect of this friendship. Because you’re human and should be treated as a human just be a good human and good to others. Use your gut listen to it listen to your body when needs to rest Best of luck.
lifeofdom​(dom male)
2 months ago • Jun 25, 2024
lifeofdom​(dom male) • Jun 25, 2024
Fyglia Wicked wrote:
1."What are you into "
Red flag regardless of their title
2.The 20 question
If so someone approaches you
They are the ones who are obligated to an introduction.. Not waste your time seeing what they can get from you .
3. Being clueless about BDSM and expecting you to teach them
Intellectually lazy people are not worth it.
4. If you put something specific on your profile and they try to side step it in an attempt for you to lower your standards.
They are not worth replying to.
You cannot teach people respect in boundaries.

Never thought of it that way.. but using this for any future contacts.. if i have any moving forward..