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The Art of Seduction

4 years ago • May 9, 2020
Bunnie • May 9, 2020
Thank you all for the awesome suggestions and encouragement! I really appreciate it.

Now to put it all into practice icon_smile.gif
Morrighan​(sub female)
4 years ago • May 9, 2020
Morrighan​(sub female) • May 9, 2020
@ bunnie,

You’re not alone in your worries. Many people associate seduction with trying to be overtly sexy and gathering the attention of many. But I think there is a big difference between being sexy and being sexually seductive. I would say seduction is more subtle and focused. It is usually aimed towards the person you’re with or someone you want (Think prey!). Seducing a Dom/me would also probably look very different than seducing a vanilla person. Plus, not everyone is going to see your strip tease!

I would also like to add that the effort you’re putting in alone, is very seductive. Putting on some nice lingerie, being more affectionate in public towards them or doing something they personally enjoy is also very seductive. Everyone wants to feel sexy and wanted by the person they are with. Seducing them lets them see you do and then their reaction towards you will show you the same. Try not to worry about feeling silly or overthink it. It’s all in the mindset. Remember that it’s the effort your Master will notice more, and the fact that it’s you!
masterdad​(dom male){you will w}
4 years ago • May 9, 2020

C-19 has changed my priorities

I was thinking let him sit in a barber chair while wearing sex clothes. Then turn on a pair of hair clippers and slowly but sensually trim his hair. Listen to him moan - "yeah baby trim the sides, that feels so good baby". Shave his neck and then with the sweet smell of warm mouse in your sexy hands, slowly with tease his hair making it look nice and manly.