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Not sure anymore.

stairwaytoheaven​(dom male)
7 months ago • Feb 23, 2024
tallslenderguy wrote:
MissBonnie wrote:
I think just like food preference, kink preferences can change over time. When dealing with food preference we merely taste the food.
I wonder if scratching that itch will tell you which way you now lean and bring on some clarity?
I would say try find someone but time and investment into something that might just be an itch might not be good for either party.

i like this input. i believe MissBonnie is a thoughtful and insightful person, and i find wisdom in this.
Reading between the lines (and extending the food analogy),

Just like we often "eat with our eyes first," i think we often also connect with intimates in our imagination first. I.e., we imagine and construct a detailed fantasy about what we want/need, but that is not reality. Feelings are not always (read: "never") rational, and they do not always turn out as expected, imagined. i agree, experience will go a long way to helping you discern what 'tastes good and satisfies your appetite,' and when your eyes are bigger than your stomach.
welcome, and good luck. Some great people on this site.

Thanks for your input. I am not new to this, but I am new again. I am learning that a lot has changes since I was a true "dom." Peoples sensitivities have changed a lot in the past 15 years, all across the board. People are more sensitive to almost everything when it comes to sexuality, what was once norm is now taken literally or out of context and although I have always strived to be extremely sensitive and careful in dealing with subs, especially other peoples, it seems at one point I cross a line I didn't know existed. I don't call a sub by nickname until I have earned that and will not allow them to call me by nickname until they have earned it, but it seems I still have a lot to learn coming into a new age as an "old" dom. Thankfully, most of the people here can tell the difference between intentional disregard for protocol, and an old worn out dom from a previous era. I will try harder to learn the new "norm." 30 years of experience doesn't amount to jack shit in a new dawning. I appreciate everything everyone says, even if I know it does or doesn't fit my persona. I am trying to fit in here, as best I can while I relearn myself. But as much as advice is appreciated, if you don't know me, then you can't know. FYI, this is not directed at your comment, It is a general statement. I hope everyone will have the patience to get to know me. Thanks again for the advice.