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What are you doing through the isolation to stop you from going mad?

dollMaker​(dom male)
4 years ago • Mar 26, 2020
dollMaker​(dom male) • Mar 26, 2020
Savida and I are staying in touch everyday, doing work round the house, reading, talking with friends via face time etc writing, watching netflix and regular TV. Been doing some whip and flogger practice as well.

Trying to spend time in my garden, not focus too much on the situation, but keep abreast of whats going on, but not obessing about it. Its important to keep a watch on your mental health and try and prevent any issues.

For all those who are keeping the world going, the essential services and all the medical professionals involved in this fight - thank you.

This is an incredibly serious situation, looking at Italy and now Spain is a sobering glimpse into the future for many countries. Its not just the old, infirm or those with underlying health issues this virus is killing the young, the healthy. Treat it seriously

#Stay Home, Protect the Heath Services, Save Lives.
Duke Montefort​(dom male)
4 years ago • Mar 27, 2020
Duke Montefort​(dom male) • Mar 27, 2020
I've been cross stitching a quilt for my mother, Watching a crime drama called Longmire, walking, cooking, cleaning, and studying the depth of my soul. In order to figure out if I'm carrying out the wishes of God or just larking about.
Lexxa​(sub female)
4 years ago • Mar 27, 2020
Lexxa​(sub female) • Mar 27, 2020
Working haha ๐Ÿ˜…. Not much has changed for me, I work in the tech sector so itโ€™s business as usual.
4 years ago • Mar 27, 2020
ThirtyFourPointFive • Mar 27, 2020
I am on my first week of a three week shutdown and I have a big Old Dodge Diesel Truck that I have sunk a crapload of money into. This week the weather was very nice and it was all TRUCK TRUCK TRUCK fixing all the little annoying things that I have not had time to fix in the past.
When I had done almost all that I could do I started on the garage, rearranging, getting rid of stuff I did not need, and just prettying up.

When that was done... I decided it was time to start rebuilding the pantry after the empty store shelf debacle of the last two weeks. I moved a huge wire shelf to the kitchen, dug out all the stored food, threw out the old stuff and rearranged it right there in the kitchen. This also allowed me the room to drag all the other kitchen stuff that would not fit in the new house to the kitchen and store it on a shelf where it could be used. Now the food processor, the stand mixer, the bread maker and the crock pot all have a place in the kitchen.

After Sex and Mechanic-ing, Cooking is my favorite hobby icon_smile.gif G