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Subs with mental illness

RoseUndressed​(sub female)
3 months ago • Jun 19, 2024
RoseUndressed​(sub female) • Jun 19, 2024
Eveonna wrote:
So called Doms that have anger issue’s call them self real Doms right off the bat feel they have a Authority over sub online or use Alpha in the name. Many them are convicted felon’s and hidden gangsters Looking for victims to use for financially and ruin you. They put them self to look like a alpha a man does have would not be flashy or talk about them self say they are number one. A genuine one show up have respect. The alpha pretend one’s have more mental health then the average person. Be selective who you talk to they act in anger and photo’s not clean have tattoo’s of gang run to the hills and block. The pretend are not even white collar they want to pretend to lure you in they look like guy half together lives in a run down shack hiding from the police. They don’t wanna get caught nothing to show got they will make you pay for everything if they can’t be secure for them self their a problem they only after you to abuse you out or anger and take your gold and run put thier name On property and cars in items And trap you til your bankrupt. They dress in clothes like got of jail and act like it pay close attention body language how people act and how they dress and how they treat you. Like they fall in love with you way too quick and want you now because they want you to move to them and then they want to take over you financially. They makes jokes of females and belittle but will never be a real anything of respect. They will trap you leave you under a bridge in a duffel bag.
Because they want to find their victims For the next Prey. Be cautious
And learn the lifestyle the right way. Don’t be prey and don’t just submit to anybody
What are jerks pretending to be a real dumb just to get off on that’s not BDSM that’s just a game. Sex is not BDSM it’s more than that. Cause of pedo a sexed up with anger. Block report don’t answer. Don’t fall for what you see in porn that’s addiction these jerks can poison you. Learn self-defense and learn kung fu learn how to say no. If it if you don’t feel safe where you are mentally or physically and they don’t make you feel calm or say so there’s a problem get out while you can. Call the police and never enter again. Because “”alpha male” is virtually synonymous with “jerk.”

The kind of person who applies it to themselves are the kind of people who think that they deserve to boss others around, as if they were mere dogs.

In other words, “jerks.”

If someone applies the term to you, it means they think you are a bossy jerk. The most alpha males are someone’s bitch in prison that’s all they can get.

Whilst I agree that everyone has a responsibility to improve their own mental health, and shouldn't be over reliant on someone else to "fix them", I am confused by some of your statements.

I have met many Doms who would call themselves Alpha. Whilst some fall into the jerk category, some do not. Some are the most respectful, nurturing, and accepting people I have had the privilege of meeting. They are natural leaders, yes. But leadership does not make someone a jerk when done correctly.

I'm also really perplexed by what tattoos and how someone dresses marks them as a predator. I have known men in suits more expensive than my mortgage who have been exceptionally controlling and manipulative. Counter to this, I have met men who prefer jogging bottoms and baseball caps, covered in tattoos, who have been utter gentleman. So yes, caution is always needed - in any relationship. I've also known fully reformed criminals (now working to discourage young people from following the same path as they did) still branded by their former lives. They have been some of the most admirable people I have ever met, turning their own lives around and determines to help the communities they come from.

But I think we digress wildly from the topic being asked here so perhaps I should leave it here.
heykitten​(sub female)
3 months ago • Jun 19, 2024
heykitten​(sub female) • Jun 19, 2024
I may not know much but one thing I’ve learned: Be upfront about it from the start. If they don’t make an effort to learn how your mind works and what kind of mental issues you’re dealing with first and foremost before jumping into any kink talk, that’s a red flag.

And that’s tough because I know my depression often steps into the background when I meet someone new or get into a new situation that excites me. And that makes ME not want to talk about it early on. But truth is, if it’s not discussed early on and they don’t make an effort to adjust to your needs then, it’s not gonna happen later either. And your own stupid mind will catch up with you later, trust me. You don’t want to find out you relied on the wrong person then.

Also, apart from expecting another person to fix you, there’s no right or wrong when it comes to what you need. From wanting to be left alone for a while to needing someone to talk you through it, it’s all okay to want or need that. You just need to understand that not every person is gonna be able to offer the support you need. And that’s why finding out if expectations match right from the start is important.