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Help! my dungeon is to loud I need ear coverage.

3 years ago • Aug 27, 2020
FunCouple{.-Couple-.} • Aug 27, 2020
Get yourself a pair of Industrial SAFETY EAR MUFFS.
That’s what I have used.
Over the years, I had some play subs not want to hear the sound of the flogger coming in.
It tensed them up each whoosh.
They said the noise was a distraction to spacing.

Being a gentleman and always happy to oblige a young lady, I brought muffs with me (freshly cleaned) just incase there was a requests.
Not the sexiest of play wear, but it didn’t seem to stop me getting fat and proud 😊
Or that may have been the flogging and their moans.

Gun ear muffs may also be an option.
I hear that Americans like their guns, so there should be a large selection to choose from.
Have a word with my mate Mr. Googly.

Hope this helps
3 years ago • Aug 27, 2020
DomesticM{no} • Aug 27, 2020
Combine normal earplugs (EAR foam or similar) with noise-canceling headphones (which as noted do not need an audio source, but you could add some masking noise such as white noise to the headphones).

If indeed you have the ability to modify the dungeon, adding a false wall (1/2" and 5/8" on new studs or via resilient rails on the existing wall will handle lower frequencies that absorption additions can't - avoid any mechanical connection with the existing walls (such as hard attached outlets) and caulk all seams and any holes.