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People you want to meet

Sammi Babi UwU​(sub female)
4 years ago • Apr 19, 2020
1. God (who or what ever that is) - answers

2. My maternal grandparents - mom was adopted

3. Any of her siblings, if she has any - are they like us? Would they care to know us?

4. Oldest brother - he was adopted years before I was born

5. My husband's younger brother - he passed away four year before I met my husband. I want my daughter to meet him too.

6. Trey - highschool friend I lost in a car accident. I want one more hug and to say goodbye.

7. Laurell K. Hamilton - My favorite author and a HUGE reason I even realized I was a masochist.
WholesomeWhore​(switch female){SwellDaddy}
4 years ago • Apr 22, 2020
1. Prof. Brian Cox
2. Stephen Hawkins
3. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (AKA Lewis Carroll)
4. Isaac Newton
5. Nikola Tesla
6. Hayao Miyazaki
7. Donald Trump

Each one of these people have done amazing things I enjoy/respect and feel it would be amazing to discuss a vast array of topic with them (I'm pretty opinionated and love conversing at length with intelligent people),
***except number 7***
- who I've only included so I can kick him in the shin for being such a shitty human being!.... if DT was not available, insert any right wing politician or mainstream media baron such as Rupert Murdoch, cause I'm sure that would be just as satisfying 😊