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A Chattle is being Alienate

achingtosever​(sub male)
4 years ago • Apr 27, 2020

A Chattle is being Alienate

achingtosever​(sub male) • Apr 27, 2020
I exist for other than the labor of the world,
Each day awake, struggling to suppress a Chattel existence unfulfilled with the dailydifferences Within myself, a struggle for the times,
Errors remind me of an existence lived in
Faults of my mind, unable to pleasure a Queen
So unsystematically I wander through my existence, within a mess of doubts, of intentions, basis, deific, rooted perhaps upon
My nature.a journey, a little, here and there, for the base,
Setting my nature in a hustle of times
One deific, to negotiate the world,
Myself to a Queen

All around, I move while walking uneventful,
Enslaved to sinful selfishness, chains
Binding against the effect Custodian that
Worshipping will set free.

Eyes to the soul filled with the depth of pain, masked
By a bellyful of emptiness served up
On promises patients paying off 

Everywhere, voices scream in silent panic, unheard
ownerless, foes stuck in their
Own more of hopeless suffering,

Too often, I choose not to hear, as a
Chattel sob for redemptive devotion,
Also caught up in my selfish desires,

disavowal is empty, as thoughts of Queen go rushing
By, ignored by being too caught up in fake gratification,
Self, content to live a life, not said Queen, however, my Naked own.

So, each morn, a custodian ensues, such little joy,
Wondering why this void urges to
Fill, to dominate a Queen sized call, a basis
That is mine.

One more day, one more tick of eternity blueprint
Near; a pure Custodian with such little presence, daily, Of the disavowal.

Desperation draws me close, in love-filled rage, hurting for my
Nature, as it roams once again, far from said Queen Presence of life and joy, grace and love,
Said Queen would show.

My existence is my own. Relentless devotion paid the
Price poured wrath upon the yarning
Covered in my sin; my existence my forfeit, said Queen
I hear now the voices—the voices of optimism
Unredeemed—crying out for energy as a disavowal having some different nature unforeseeable more problematic

I am the custodian of the world,
Each day awake, to share with those
Who are quiet in sin—of life, of joy—to
Share the dignity that comes with Chattel