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Having fun with the truth!

Miss Magdalena​(sub female){FreeSpirit}
1 year ago • Jun 2, 2022

Having fun with the truth!

I love the *thrill* that comes with playing truth games, especially when using a random generator. It's a neat way to get to know things about people in a fun and relaxed setting. Sometimes the questions are things you may never think to ask but are really great to know or provide a window of opportunity for further discussion which can allow you to open up and talk about a topic that may have otherwise been embarrassing or seemingly intrusive from the onset. One of the questions that was generated and brought about this little epiphany was, "If you could only have sex in one position for a month, which would it be?" A simple question, but if answered honestly and given context, can speak volumes. Love it!

Here is the one I've been using, but super happy to hear if there may be other fun games like this:
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