iriss(sub female) |
10 months ago •
Feb 1, 2024
Outside the bedroom
10 months ago •
Feb 1, 2024
iriss(sub female) • Feb 1, 2024
Hello everyone!
I would really appreciate your advice, so please feel free to reply. Thank you! I'm submissive and have been in a 3-year-long relationship with my boyfriend. Although we don't live together, we spend a lot of time together. He's dominant in the bedroom, and our kinks match, which is great! Occasionally, he's also dominant outside the bedroom, but it's not nearly enough for me. We've tried establishing rules before, but life got in the way, and we fell back into a "bedroom-only" dynamic. I've expressed my need for structure and guidance, simple rules like bedtime, and he was initially willing. We added a few rules, but it fell apart again due to individual life problems. I'm happy with our lives, but I feel a need for him to be my dominant mentally, not just sexually. We talked about it a lot of times and we both want it, but somehow, we struggle to maintain it consistently. Breaking rules is a challenge when we're not together, and he's unsure how to handle it without immediate consequences... Any advice on making this work for couples living separately? Ideas for punishments without physical presence? Your insights would be appreciated. Thank you! |