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Defining ‘Switch’

DammitJanet​(sub female)​{NOT INTERE}
6 years ago • May 31, 2018

Defining ‘Switch’

Chatting tonight with others and discovering that many don’t declare their switch tendencies as it causes confusion as to what they are and what they’re looking for, but I could only explain it like this; it’s like being ambidextrous (which I am), it’ll feel like being wanked by two different women at the same time!
What does switch mean to others? I’d be interested to know.
Athena​(sub female)
6 years ago • May 31, 2018
Athena​(sub female) • May 31, 2018
I definitely don’t know the answer for sure as someone new, but I assumed it meant you enjoy the dominant as well as the submissive role. But I agree it’s confusing which is why I put sub only even though I’d enjoy both roles. Do you think it could mean bisexual? Just thought of that.
Athena​(sub female)
6 years ago • May 31, 2018
Athena​(sub female) • May 31, 2018
If you don’t mind me asking some questions. Do you define switch as what I think it is? Have you been able to find someone? I see you’re in the UK so maybe different as I’m in the US. Just seems so hard to find a dom as it is, and seems even harder to find a partner who wants both.
DammitJanet​(sub female)​{NOT INTERE}
6 years ago • May 31, 2018
I’ve found that more Doms have opened up as admitting their switch fantasies, mild I’d say though, just a little bit here and there.
I can be quite sadistic and I’m trying to control that, though I’d hate to do permanent damage. Most will take some canning, but don’t want restraint, that has to be a trust thing.
I once set fire to someone’s ear because they fell asleep, how rude! But I’m working on it.
It does smell of bacon btw.
Athena​(sub female)
6 years ago • May 31, 2018
Athena​(sub female) • May 31, 2018
Omg it smelled like bacon!!!! That’s hysterical! Was it the fatty part of the ear? Weird question. Just thought maybe that’s why it smelled like bacon
NrsGoodBody​(switch female)​{FREEspirit}
6 years ago • Jun 2, 2018
There is a conotation associated with being a switch here and in general, BDSM. the theory is greed. i could give a fuck. To me, switch is what i feel in the moment. My switch tendencies are not only BDSM, but to my life- so to me, i do not look to THAT as the only explaination for it. Switch to me is NOT being bisexual. It is b/w your "sides". If you choose to be bisexual, thats on you and is what it is but thats its own "label". Being a switch , to me, isn't just a decision b/c you feel like Topping from the bottom. if thats what ya wanna do then do that. It's not being a momentary glance at shoving shit in someones ass or pulling a whip out to spank them.

Being a Domme is a huge responsibility in a switch relationship as is being a submissive or taking on a submissive. There are certain things you must take in to consideration when "switching". I guess to me, I don't think it's such a fly by night deal and I take it seriously, like people who take Dom/sub seriously. Considering switch drop is also highly important and most do not take it into consideration.

I have multiple sides and tendencies that I fulfill with being a switch. All of them, I take VERY seriously b/c it is my duty to not harm either a (my) sub nor my switch. I have Sadist interests and masochist interests and that requires a certain level of responsibility in them also.

I find it inconsiderate to have judgement for or towards switches, but it occurs and I speak on it when I see it (not saying thats this forum, i'm speaking in general). There are many switches on this site. I might be the most vocal one, i don't know. Read this how you wish, it is an opinion to a forum post.

You speak about Doms being interested in switch fantasies. I call b.s. mostly because SOME are switches and some just want to feel it out. But honestly, if you can't deal with what I want to do with you then, nope, not a switch.

What does switch mean to you DammitJanet? At the end of the day, that's all that matters.

#LivingAsASwitch #NotJustForPlay
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DammitJanet​(sub female)​{NOT INTERE}
6 years ago • Jun 2, 2018
What does it mean to me? Ideally I’d remove all labels. I think the connection with a person dictates the dynamic, I’ve been with a Dom in a real situation who surprised himself completely by letting me play with his ass and take control and I’ve been with a switch man who refused to let me top.
Open mindedness takes you to a different place.

Got it!
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