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My Hierarchical Multiverse Hypothesis:

4 years ago • Jul 2, 2019

My Hierarchical Multiverse Hypothesis:

ThomasHahn • Jul 2, 2019
My Hierarchical Multiverse Hypothesis:

For the religious people, God must be in our parent universe. But we cannot see him because we are trapped in one of his children universes. But that at least tells us, where to suspect him. This may explain why we cannot see him. But since a child universe can get affected by causes located outside it, i.e. in its parent universe, then this may explain why we cannot see the Holy Spirit, but clearly experience his effects anyways.


Such kind of a universe, which fully fits inside any object, which is part of our universe, is considered a child universe. From the perspective of a child universe, our universe is its parent universe. When applying the class inheritance concept within classes of the programming language C# all properties, governing laws, fundamental assumptions, axioms, and anything, which must be defined to fully explain everything within our universe, fully applies to all its children universe. Hence, if the creator of our universe decides to change any property or anything else about our parent universe, then all these changes automatically apply to all its children inverses. According to this concept any child universe is more specific than its parent universe. This means that by definition child universes are more complex than their parent universes. This means that in addition to everything, which applies in the parent universe, it also implies in the child universe and cannot be changed from within the child universe, because it must be changed within the parent universe before it can have any effect on the child universe. Therefore, any child universe is exactly a copy of its parent universe, plus minimally nothing, i.e. than parent and child universe are exactly the same, at least one thing, which means that this one thing applies only in the child universe but not in the parent universe, up until indefinitely many things, implying that any child universe to which indefinitely many additions have been added from its time point zero, i.e. its creation inside its parent universe, when both universes were initially identical until the first addition was made to the child universe only, but not to its parent universe.

By the same token, our universe is not only the parent universe for its indefinitely many children universes to which we also refer as sibling universes because they are fully governed and defined by the same parent universe, but may or may not be aware of one another, our universe is also a child universe from the perspective of the universe above our universe, i.e. our parent universe, which contains many different kinds of objects, but within one of its object, our universe, i.e. one of its indefinitely many child universes. Our parent universe is a class. A class has properties. With each class there are objects. The class is like the parent universe. Each object is a child universe. Within a single class indefinitely many objects can be created. Each object then because an instance, i.e. one possible example of the parent class. This means that all objects possess everything of their parent class. The parent class is sort of like undetectable background. If a new object is formed within a parent class, but no properties are added to the object, which could cause it to look any different from its parent class, this object cannot be detected or perceived although it does exist, but nobody can see this object because it looks exactly the same as its parent class and hence no detection method can ever tell the difference between them But as soon as a single property is added to any object after it has been created from its parent class, this particular object can objectively be detected because whatever property has been added to the child, i.e. object, but not to its parent, i.e. class properties, now sticks out because it can be detected since the addition of even a single property could potentially absorb, reflect or, in some way differently affect anything, which can be used for detection.

This means that if a method (presumably taking the role of a cause within a particular class or parent universe) is causing a particular change, this particular change is only affecting a particular object (this means that a cause in the parent universe has no affect within the parent universe but may affect any of its child universes).

This implies that no parent universe can ever change itself. Each parent universe has indefinitely many methods. Each method is taking the role of a cause with the parent universe. But a parent universe without any children universes, or a class without any object, cannot perceive the effects or consequences of any of the indefinitely many causes or method that it possesses and by which it is defined.

This implies figuratively that parents without children are blind. Classes without objects cannot undergo any changes. This implies that any parent universe, which lacks any children universes, are imperatively static or dead or inert, and because nothing can happen that is able to cause any detectable changes in them. The only way, by which changes within the parent universe can be made, e.g. by its intrinsic methods or causes, is that it must contain objects or child universes, on which the changes, i.e. effects or consequences of the methods/causes intrinsic to any class or parent universe can be reflected and detected.

Interestingly, in a class without any objects or a parent universe without any children universes, it is impossible to induce any changes because no effects or consequences can ever be detected because the medium on which consequences or alterations can manifest themselves, i.e. child universes or objects, are still lacking.

Let’s try to understand this. An empty parent class without any objects still has indefinite methods. My question now is whether or not the methods within any parent class within which no objects have yet been defined, can the methods be detected, defined, distinguished and their effects or consequences be predicted even though nothing can yet be externally validated as long as no effects can manifest themselves and thus are still undetectable and not objectively reproducible. However, the exclusion of objects rules out the detection of any effects or consequences. However, the methods, which cause the effects or consequences, are in no way affected or compromised because their effects or consequences remain undetectable. An interesting question is whether a method or cause without any effect or consequence, will any method or cause lacking any effect or consequence lose the status of a method or cause because any cause lacking any effect or consequence no longer meets our definition for being a method or a cause.

At least for this particular universe what is the answer to the question consider a cause without any effect, will it still be a cause having an assumed orphan effect or consequence? If we cannot detect any effect or consequence for a particular cause does this imply that our lack to detect any effect or consequence, which could be attributed to any particular cause, can we safely rule out that our inability to detect any effect or consequence resulting from any particular cause, that there is absolutely no way for it to ever exist simply because we fail to detect it?

A cause can be defined by its effects on objects. By eliminating all objects we have deprived ourselves of the opportunity to define any particular cause by its effects, alterations, changes or consequences, which it can have on objects.

Hence, a cause is a way to inflict changes on objects. Let’s assume a big brown object. Let’s image a cause, which always results in the addition of a shine bright orange circle onto any brown object within its otherwise unalterable parent class. Hence, one method, by which the cause is changing the color from brown to bright orange, is to somehow induce the loss of a proton, neutron and electron from a circular subset of previously brown colored atoms, which based on our understanding of chemistry from what we observed, proved, concluded and explained within this universe, results in the conversion of a distinctly different new chemical element. Such kind of change from one chemical element into another could conceivably and very likely alter the properties on the surface of that new chemical element in such a way that the same light source radiating a universally penetrating homogeneously consistent background light radiation of light blue color; thus, resembling our light blue sky, but without any sun or clouds. This must be compared with what we'd expect to see at noon, if we could erase the sun and all clouds. This analogy does not hold during the evening or during twilight because the entire sky anyone can see must be exactly of the very same color. Any color distinction within the range of light blue of our premature sky must be ruled out.

However, we have defined an effect, i.e. a homogeneously light blue sky, and attributed it to any imaginary or hypothetical cause, i.e. a light radiation source.

However, since it has no effect on any object, its effect or consequence, i.e. our nice light blue sky, can never be detected. However, from the perspective of a universe creator the effect, i.e. light blue sky, cannot be disputed. However, if this creator now decides to put a few people into his still very premature and very primitive universe, those people can never identify, comprehend, understand or perceive or conceptualize or even imagine the universally homogeneous light blue color penetrating their parent class or parent universe as an effect or consequence because it is exactly the same everywhere. Thus, it keeps meeting our definition for belonging to the background radiation of the parent class or parent universe.

Let’s imagine adding a few objects into this light blue colored parent class. As long as no object gets affected any differently than the remainder of the class or parent universe, the light blue background color keeps failing to meet the criteria for any detectable effect or consequence from the perspective of the naive observer positioned within the parent class or parent universe.

However, the creator of this very prehistoric, premature, primitive parent universe or parent class has absolutely no reason for trying to deny that the light radiation source is an objective cause or method undeniably present, reproducible detectable and therefore objective, real, true and hence, can easily be externally observer indecently verified by the omnipresent creator.

This in turn applies that undetectable effects or consequences can never in any possible way have any effect on their temporally preceded cause or impact their cause in any way. This is consistent with our concept of temporal separation between cause and effect. According to our understanding any cause temporally precedes its effect or consequence. Based on our assumption it is absolutely impossible to travel backwards in time under any condition, then there is absolutely no way by which any effect or consequence can even touch or come close to or even be aware of its cause. This implies that all effects and consequences are inherently figuratively speaking totally blind. It can be claimed that - from the subjective perspectives of all possible effects and consequences - it must be absolutely, imperatively impossible to gain any kind of information, to learn, infer, suspect, hypothesizes, detect, sense, become aware of, feel, dream, perceive, measure, conclude, externally validate, speculate, anticipate, or to even be sensible to any kind of influence by exactly the very specific and unique cause, which is the single only possible explanation, because all imaginable alternative explanations can safely with absolute certainty ruled out universally under all possible variations of conditions and all their imposed possibly imaginable combinations effects and consequences.

Let’s imagine that from the very first initial time point, at which any effect or consequence has been initially created, i.e. at its initial birth, it innately can sense everything that could possibly ever be sensed within the entire universe, into which it was suddenly born. Moreover, exactly at its birth, it already knew about everything and anything, which could be possibly knowing about its universe from the omnipresent perspective of its most capable creator, including complete and fully exhaustive awareness of every single entity within this universe, e.g. all its causes, all their possible effects, consequences, exhaustive accounts of all possible objects, which could have possibly ever be created, all the indefinitely many possibilities for parent, parent-parent, .. etc., i.e. moving vertically upwards eventually penetrating indefinitely many instances of parent universes. However, there is only a single possible instance, i.e. the only possible truths, because all other alternative truths can be ruled out with absolute certainty since there is only on single way or direction (i.e. only one possible truth) by which any entity, object, energy or information can be transported from this particular universe into its immediately upwards first-level parent universe, i.e. by leaving the entity or object, e.g. atom, within which this particular child universe had been fully and exhaustively been confined and universally completely hidden perfectly; thus, imperatively escaping any possible method of detection launched from anywhere within its most immediately only one vertical level upward parent universe or parent class, which imperatively defines everything about the background of every single of the indefinitely mane children universes undetectable hidden within its immediate parent universe, only a single vertical level above all of its initially, by default, imperatively identical indefinitely many children universes. When adding together all the information obtained from every single exhaustive definition of each feature necessary for exhaustively defining the most immediately direct parent universe only one vertical level above all of its most direct children universes, then the smallest common denominator, which must be imperatively shared by every single of its indefinitely children universes, can effortlessly defined. Exhaustively defining this smallest possible common denominator, which must always be shared by all of the indefinitely many first level children universes fully and exhaustively defines, what must be background in all direct children universes? Knowing this imperative background clearly defines everything, which can never be discovered nor detected by any naive intelligent consciousness completely limited by and fully confined to any of the direct children universes.

This is an extremely insightful and far reaching conclusion because it ties into with my previously shared insights about the nature and the dynamics leading to my very own definition of the term "Imperatively Hidden Object" because it must always remain submerged and undetectable within the imperative background noise of any of its indefinitely many direct children universes. This imperatively prevents any naive intelligent consciousness, which is completely limited to and fully confined by any of its indefinitely many children universes, from ever detecting, observing, suspecting, perceiving, learning, knowing, inferring or applying any phenomenon, cause, effect, consequence, observation, method, object, thing exclusively governing underlying only the principles of the imperative background.

This means that all life forms, which started existing after all the children universes were born, have no access to anything that is part of the background defined above.

However, access to all vertically upwards parent universes is absolutely essential, non-negotiable, irreplaceable, imperative, compulsory, required, prerequisites for fully and completely exposing every distinctly single possibility of representing every single piece of relevant information, by which the most limited mode of action defining any detected method by which a very specifically defined unique single already detected cause, i.e. only one possible absolutely true truth, but nothing, except for this very specifically unambiguously, uniquely, unmistakably, ominously, exhaustively completely defined, i.e. pointing to only one single out of the indefinitely many possible causes, which could potentially be present in this particular universe and defining and explaining the mode of action, by which this particular very specific cause, but no other cause in this universe, because all alternative causes, which could potentially be detected in this particular universe can be ruled out with absolute certainty, because any particular cause employs only one particular very specific mode of action, algorithm, series of steps, which exhaustively uniquely, imperatively, exactly define a very specific, irreplaceable method, which must never be substituted by any other possibility, can be excluded with absolute certainty.

Here is the central dogma governing the imperative direction of actions and their consequences along any causal relationship every imaginable universe to define unique methods, their specific modes of actions by which a single particular uniquely exhaustively defined cause, but no other cause, except for that particular cause, employs its uniquely associated mode of actions associated with only one single method, but imperatively exclude any alternative methods, to fully explain its only mode of action, its underlying scientific principles and the laws governing them, by which its very specific effects and consequences can be generated and subsequently detected on very specific subsections of very particular, specifically defined objects or instances of child universes within this particular parent universe.

The parent universe is exactly the same as a parent class. All the properties and features of the parent universe or parent class are identically defined. This exactly resembles the properties defining the background acting on every single of its indefinitely many children universes simultaneously, homogeneously and hence, imperatively undetectable by any naive observer, who cannot climb vertically upward to rise above any of all the child universes; thus, he/she will never be given any opportunity to even look at things from the parent universe perspective, which imperatively simplifies, unifies and generalizes all its child universe perspectives. The parent universe always resembles the perspective of the creator of every child universe contained within a particular parent universe.