I wanted to share a little about me. I learned about the lifestyle in my teen years not knowing it was actually a lifestyle and not just kink. In my early 20s is when I learned it was actually.a true lifestyle. A local Dominant took me under his wing to teach me about the Old Guard Lifestyle and how to fit it into every day life. Over the years I learned a lot and I still learn on a daily basis.
The most important thing I have learned over the last.couple years is if I can not control my life being the best person I can be I can not control another.
One of the things I want to share being an empath is a gift and a curse. I have encountered many Empaths in our lifestyle take the time to get to know them and their gift.
I have many interest in the lifestyle. i like to make a lot of my own implements. Some of my favorites are canes, crops. rope.