Shy but Determined​{Solace}

Ohio, United States
About me
Well... I don't think this particular website is where I'll find who I'm looking for, but I'll put myself out there anywhere there might be a chance...

I'm looking for a true domestic discipline relationship. Nothing more, nothing less. I'm 30 years old and prior military - strong, capable, happy and wholesome. I've never participated in most of what many people on here are looking for... I'm actually very shy, and no that's not some roleplay...

What I'm hoping to find is the man that completes me. My other half, best friend and true partner. Someone happy, moral, optimistic and who cares as much as I do about being the best version of yourself you can be and isn't afraid to hold me accountable for the same. I'd love to find the man (preferably somewhere near my age) I can truly respect and look up to as the head of our household some day. I'd be very happy traveling and eventually moving if it feels right.

I know this isn't a very long profile, I may edit this moving forward but that's the gist of it. If you're at all interested please feel free to message me.

Take care! And stay safe!
Member since
Nov 6, 2020
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