Does this interest you – I am looking for a guy who would wrestle and win for me. I am the prize and this is the deal - you and John (my current sexual owner) have a one hour submissions by pin wrestle (he is untrained) Whoever, gains the most submissions in the hour is the winner. The winner then flexes, poses and punishes the loser. If you win, you either get a date with me, a night with me or you take me off him and even 'own' me - how does that sound ? Your age, weight, height ? We both work for airlines so travel easily and can get to you. Please be aged 18 - 35 and under 200 lbs. Please have or send face and shirtless pics.
I am looking for a guy who would wrestle and win for me. I am the prize and this is the deal - you and John (my current sexual owner) have a one hour submissions by pin wrestle (he is untrained) Whoever, gains the most submissions in the hour is the winner. The winner then flexes, poses and punishes the loser. If you win, you either get a date with me, a night with me or you take me off him and even 'own' me - how does that sound ?
John has now done three of these and won all three - please come, win and become my new champion and hero.