
Albany, New York, United States
About me
It would be fair to say I'm a bit of a geek. I code for a living, for a hobby, for recreation, to maintain pulse & respiration.... Okay. Nerd. I admit it...

I tend to be a bit private about lifestyle things, though I have the good fortune to work in a relatively open minded environment & waltz in forward thinking circles of friends. My family on the other hand, what's more bland than vanilla?...  Once you get to know me, and the shyness wears off, I'll talk your ear off about kinky things.  I'm usually the guy getting the *looks* when in vanillaspace...

For anyone who's read this far in my profile (thanks!) and is considering sending me an unsolicited message seeking play, relationship, service, etc., you should be aware that I have a very strong affinity for orange Reese's Pieces. Any such message that doesn't at least acknowledge orange Reese's Pieces is likely to be ignored.

The above does NOT apply to anyone messaging in relation to any post I might have made, to ask questions about kink-related things, etc. It also doesn't apply if we're friends, have ever talked in person, met at an event, etc. Just not into random offers from people who can't be bothered to read five paragraphs about me before they start telling me how interesting they found my profile...
BDSM and me
Kink-wise, I'll tend to call myself a switch, though if there was an option for "dominant painslut," that might be closer to the mark. Most of the more intense varieties of sensation play at least pique my interest, though when not outright dominant, I tend to at best top from the bottom. I should probably learn to let go more.
Honestly, people who look to a profile on a website for a list of limits.  Occasional "lab rope" notwithstanding, I seldom play with people I haven't at least had a meal and a few good conversations with me.  Chat me up a bit, and we'll figure out what works...
What's new
currently organizing a kinky camping weekend this month in northern New York.  Then off to Dark Odyssey Summer Camp and RambleGRUE after that!  If you're going to be at any of those, feel free to say hi!
Update date
Aug 9, 2016
Member since
Apr 18, 2016
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