dom gender fluid

About me
dum vivimus, vivamus Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate Just because someone is on my friend's list does not automatically mean an endorsement on my part of their abilities, their fitness as a partner (be that a play partner or a life partner), their character as a person, or anything else. As I subscribe to: Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer as do my frenemies.

Sun-tzu Chinese general & military strategist (~400 BC)

Talking body parts (penis, ass, chest, et cetera for an avatar) won't be taken seriously or replied to.

If you send me a PM, understand that I will view it as if you stopped me on the street and said those things. If it’s likely to get your face slapped there, it is juvenile here.

ღ If you do not know how to make a proper introduction, please move on.

ღ This is my idea of a profile images are of your face, blood flowing piercing, whipping or other maiming. If you aren't of a like-mind match for me, please move on.

ღ I subscribe to "I do not like your comment. I will delete it and block you."

ღ If you have an intense need to keep this part of who you are separate and discrete otherwise known as a cheating move along.

ღ I am both discreet and outspoken

ღ I know the difference between dominant, dominate and domineering. I can be all three in the same moment or a sweet, kind, grandmotherly appearing person.

ღ I conduct my life in such a manner that any forensic team is more than welcome to read any and all items I have viewed. Via any device I have ever used. Ever.

ღ I do not interact with any person via kink with those who are not of an age to Vote in Canada.

ღ The Goddesses indicated that years of practicing safer sex is for a good reason as May 31, 2017 HSV2 specific testing results: Negative

ღ I have had a Criminal Record Check done and passed on several occasions in order to volunteer and for my legal name change.

ღ I do not interact with person(s), event (or their organizer(s(), owner(s) of any site who are in any way known to interact in a sexual way with child(ren) under the age of 19-years-old or engage in sex-tourism or minors. Stay away from me.

ღ I am a fetish This is both humbling and hilarious.

ღ I abhor gossip. If you are not willing to state, publicly or in person with witnesses, keep your comments to yourself as I do not want to read gossip. Unfortunately or is it fortunately, at times there are public postings I must read in order to vetting person(s) before they are granted access to my home.

ღ I am a Dominant Woman by nature and practice. If you are seeking a submissive female, please seek elsewhere. I wish you well in your search.

ღ If you are not within a two hour window (one way) to meet with me via any means at your disposal.. do not waste my time

ღ I am not a "profile collector"! I do not just accept requests from anyone I have not met. No further explanation will be given

ღ I provide links in this profile, imo, readers who thirst for knowledge check them out before attempting contact as the links give you some hint of topics of shared interest.

ღ I am an INTJ Personality Type.

ღ I am full of contradictions, or so it might seem. I, too, am seeking my way as I journey through life.

ღ I have been involved, publicly, in the scene before Cornucopia Nanaimo  and when Sagacity of Victoria parties were held at Art Centre in Esquimalt and later Luxton Hall (out-of-towners were billeted at person's homes and workshop weekends were in gritty places not hotels with restaurants that cost lots of $$$$) - yeah, that long publicly and my adult-life = I am a woman with presence, so I have been told.

ღ I subscribe to Age of Consent with those who are completely able to give informed and enthusiastic consent at all times.

ღ I prefer to fly under the radar

ღ My facial images are for friends only.

ღ Be very sure you meet my basic requirements before requesting a public place meeting over coffee.

ღ I watch my pennies, as do many. I am Scot as is my plaything; therefore, I do Kink on a Budget.

ღ I subscribe to R.A.C.K only from those persons who are: Of age to give consent, in full possession of their faculties (to clarify: not impaired by mental defect, under the influence of alcohol, drugs or person(s) in a position of authority which would, imo, include those who are less than 12 (twelve) months of unbroken clean and sober time in whatever Recovery Program anyone might be in). I know enough "13-STEPPERS" and, NoT surprisingly, they avoid me. ;) .


♥♥♥You do not abuse TOU♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
  • My memory does not come with eye-bleach. If I read and saw that a private conversation was re-posted verbatim to a public forum, I am not interested in knowing anything further about you. If you have a reputation or get your kicks by purposely outing people - you can
eat a bag of dicks that have been dragged through a barn-high pile of shyte infested with with mad-cow disease and swallow with no purging or Roman Showers.


X Scat
X Minors
X Incapacitated persons (You must, at all times, be able to give informed and enthusiastic consent)
X Cheaters (married, significant other(s) who is unaware of your active involvement.. I ain't got time for that shit)
Update date
Dec 7, 2017
Member since
Jan 22, 2017
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