dom male

Central, Michigan, United States
Relationship status
In a polyamorous relationship
About me
My wife and I own what some would call a either a small farm or large estate depending on your point of view, it's 45 acres in size.

We have a 6 acre, 22 foot deep, spring fed, man made lake. It is well stocked with fish. We have around 5 or 6 acres of woods and there are around 10 acres of lawns and gardens. The rest of the property is around 23 acres of rolling hills and tillable land. The houses and building compounds are set a quarter mile off from the road.

This is an extremely private setting.

We own three houses on this property. One is a rental with option to buy and there is a tenant in it that will buy it, we are living in one of them, and we are remodeling one of them to become the new slave quarters.

There are two large aluminum commercial buildings and several smaller buildings and sheds. We have a lock up area for calves or pigs or goats with shelters for the animals. There is also a large commercial dog kennel here.

We wish to find the following:

First, a slave/cuck couple to become the base for a poly slave house. After the couple, we also wish to locate a female slave and possibly another female or male slave depending on need and work load.

The couple would work here as grounds and garden slaves. The additional female would become a house and garden girl and if needed, another female or male depending on how things go.

We will cover all cost of living for these slaves. We provide housing, utilities, and food. We also provide a shared vehicle, cell phones, and internet. We will also provide a monthly stipend in an account for the day you might move on.

We are approaching our 70's. I, the male half, am 67 and my wife is 65. We are still in good health but wish to work less than we have in the past. We are retired but I run two businesses that provide the revenue stream and you would also work with me at these as needed.

Our interest is for long term, 2 to 20 years if everything works as it should.


You must be between 18 and up to about 50 or so. Mid 20's to mid 30's would be the ideal. You must be in decent health and able to do farm, garden, and maintenance work. You must not have any communicable diseases meaning no STD's or other diseases that could affect the health of the crew or us or our family. You must be able to present a vanilla look and dress according to this setting for our associates, guests and family members. You must want long term ownership as slaves.

Who we do not seek:

Please, no trans sexual's, no bbw's, no overtly sissy males and no extreme masochists. If it is your desire to be locked in a cage everyday and taken out for use, pass us by. We have no need for the lazy or those who can not work and live with others without causing issues. If you have drug or alcohol addictions, we do no need you. We are not opposed to social drinking in moderation or tobacco or marijuana use again, in moderation. We both smoke tobacco but do not drink. I smoke marijuana so we are fairly liberal towards these.

Skill sets that we seek:

We need a maintenance man to keep equipment and buildings up to par. We need those who would like to maintain the lawns and flower gardens. In addition, we intend to set aside around 3 acres for the slaves to run a commercial vegetable garden. This garden would provide your food for the year and the excess would be sold to stores for cash for your other needs. We will also provide calves or pigs for you to tend for your meat for the year. We would like one of you to have office or accounting or secretarial skills. If you have any manufacturing skills, these could be put to use. One of the commercial buildings has been used in the past for light manufacturing and we could do something along those lines again.

I have been a natural dominant for all of my life, my wife less so. I found this lifestyle as such in about 1993 and became involved in it in around 96. By 2000, I had found a mentor and together we trained owners, subs, and slaves.

My work in those years was over the road as an owner of an escort business for oversize loads and owning or keeping a slave or slaves was not practical. I came off the road in 09 and started these two businesses and in 2016 we bought this place.

This is where I grew up and we purchased it from my three sisters when our dad passed on. We will pass it on to our two children when we pass on. How they settle things then, will be up to them which is why we will provide a stipend for those we seek. It may be they would inherit you as well.

My lifestyle interests:

I enjoy a wide variety of interests within this lifestyle. I will say that control is my primary interest. I enjoy controlling a cuck couple to the point where I have say over even their sexuality. While I am not a sadist in the strictest definition, I do enjoy inflicting humiliations and some pain on occasion. I enjoy ownership of and use of a slave. I am neither gay or bi but do enjoy some male to male sexual contact to exert control or domination over a male slave. I seek ownership of. I am not interested in love or having a slave mate or second wife. We will keep and mind all accepted limits.

This project has to work for everyone. Your needs as a slave have to be met. Our needs as owners have to be met. It also needs to be fun. I am an extrovert and a gregarious man. I enjoy life and laugh easily and often. We are generous to others and active in community projects. We are protective of those who are weak and help where we can in the community. In any business dealings, I have a rule, it has to be good for both sides. We are honest people and will not cheat or steel from others. We create our own realities.

We are interested in you if this add is of interest to you.

Larry & Mary
BDSM and me
I am a natural dominant, I'm an extrovert as well. I enjoy life and living. I enjoy creating things, businesses, this farm, metal working, even art work. I enjoy control, making things happen, controlling others to help me make things happen. These traits come out in the lifestyle.
I'm not a heavy sadist, I'm not into the trashy slutty kinds of things. I like class and style over raunchy. I don't do scatt or blood play. I'm not going to hang you and whip you till you scream. For me, it is always about the control and I prefer to cause you to want me to do the controlling.
What's new
From 09 to this past spring, I have been designing, financing, and building medical marijuana grow systems. The landscape for this business is changing and it is going corporate. I now want to diversify away from medical grows and into something more traditional. Since this is a farm, I obviously want to do some farming. We have a large commercial building that is insulated and with a concrete floor. It could be utilized for a small manufacturing business of some kind. It has been used that way in the past.

Those who come on with us may bring other skill sets that we can put to work as a business.
Update date
Oct 5, 2018
Member since
Oct 4, 2018
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