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Witch's musings

A place for me to share the inner workings of my twisted mind and plans to rule the world.
1 month ago. September 8, 2024 at 3:39 PM

Every morning, you send me a greeting.

It is one of the tasks that I have asked of you.

It is a promised connection.  Although you might have doubts or worries or simply a busy day, it is your duty. I like that it is obligatory. I want you to feel like you are never bothering me. I never want you to hide or withdraw from me.  Ever. 

Whatever is happening in the world, or in our world, every morning, I want you to send me a greeting.  

It is a moment when our lives touch. And in this moment, I want you to feel safe, happy, because that is how you make me feel when I receive your words.

With this touch, I claim you.  Every morning you become mine all over again.

You are important enough in my life that I require a greeting every single day.  It is so important that I will punish you if you don’t do it.

Therefore, every morning, you will send me a greeting.

And every morning, I want your heart to rejoice.

Because every morning, I will answer.

Tatsokwme​(dom male) - You really write & express yourself beautifully.
1 month ago

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