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Thoughts and feelings of the moment or revelations I have had and want to share with others that I hope may be useful to perhaps maybe at least one other person in making their day, or at least making them smile or connect a missing dot somewhere
5 years ago. February 16, 2019 at 12:43 PM

We often talk to people using words and gestures we use every day. We often never think about what we say or do. What impact our words have on others even miles and oceans away.

Thing is: words have power, the question is, are you good or are you evil? Will you use your words like a sword to kill and chop someone's head off, or to defend them and save their life?

Talk, text, simple body language all has its meaning. Maybe you dont think about it, but the way you stand has power. Standing up, is your back straight and rigid, unwilling to move and bend with time, or is it straight but flexible, stance relaxed and calm, arms down but ready and mind open to new things ready to reach out like a tree to the light? Is is slouched, shoulders down head slightly tilted and eyes down seeing the bad but unwilling to use your words to save another?

Can you help another? Will you? Or will you stand aside and watch as their world falls apart, watch as they crumble and fall? Can you use your words of power to heal and save? Will you spend your time helping or watching them fall?

We are all strong, powerful and wonderful. We are all delicate fragile and in need of help. The combination of the two worlds makes wonderful people who do great things like Ghandi, Mother Threasa, Martain Luther King. All people who used words for power to change the world for good. Can you be like them, put words to great use to change someone's world for the good? Be a warrior for the light? 



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