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Thoughts and feelings of the moment or revelations I have had and want to share with others that I hope may be useful to perhaps maybe at least one other person in making their day, or at least making them smile or connect a missing dot somewhere
4 years ago. March 14, 2020 at 3:17 PM

So what do you do when they suddenly cancel two months of the year for you and quarantine you inside? Of course you curl up in your warm bed, gather all your fluffy toys and warm bedding and hunker down. Along with your computer (would be much better with beta puppy but that luxury inst an option yet but soon) and you chat the hours away. Read books, watch videos, play video games online where you get to follow puppy around booping his butt saying "Puppy Butt!"

The role of Alpha is very versitile and fluid. There is no one right way to do it. Many different ways to be an Alpha mostly its have fun, look after your puppies and have lots of fun in safe environments. Keeping minds focused on things that dont include world wide panics are the best thing and what better thing to focus on then being randomly spanked? or a squeaky toy those always are a great distraction!

Also recently I found a great podcast to listen to. It was designed for dogs by experts and talks to the listener as the puppy but works wonders for human pups! It affirms how great you are as the dog/puppy. How loved and wonderful you are, how you are the best ever and the human hates leaving you but will come back to play real soon. Its full of love, positivity and greatness that is wonderful for headspace. It is about an hour or so of positive message and 4 hours of soothing wonderful music that is awesome to relax to. It is on Spotify called My Dog's Favorite Podcast if anyone wants to check it out I HIGHLY recommend it. Also first episode has a TON of vocab words in it (okay like 19, but still words I never heard before ever) and so great for teaching new words if you want to. Might need someone who can be awake though its during the naptime part so yeah, hard to focus on words when your sleepy LOL.

My message is though dont panic, chill out, have fun, do great fun things and love yourself, each other, and love what you do to have fun! There always something to do, learn and play with. Be it asexual, hypersexual, big, little, sadist, masochist anything! Always fun to be had just look in the right places, keep an open mind and have fun everywhere!



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