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Thoughts and feelings of the moment or revelations I have had and want to share with others that I hope may be useful to perhaps maybe at least one other person in making their day, or at least making them smile or connect a missing dot somewhere
3 years ago. September 20, 2020 at 2:07 PM

Sometimes people believe they are strong, powerful and so in control of every aspect of their lives that their egos become so over inflated they start to believe they are kings. So when they meet someone who just happens to actually be superior to them in every way, yet quiet about it and not flaunt it in anyones face, not attempt to force themselves upon anyone else, the "king" suddenly is left ip a creek without a paddle and nowhere to go but down river. The person is literally an unmovable brick wall.

 "Why not use a sledge hammer to bring it down?" You may ask. Funny you ask actually. You see, that brick wall, was actually your last line if defence. Theres a tunnel on the other side with a light. That light is a freight train barreling toward you now and you are stuck in the way. You placed yourself in the path, refused to leave the wall alone and knocked it down and started a war you werent prepared for.  Now you will learn how mistaken you were on your place. 

The lesson is this: there is always someone better than yourself. Always something new to learn and it matters not how old the person teaching it is. What matters is an open mind, heart and willingness to learn new things. Accept you will never be an expert in anything. There will always be things you dont know, but always be safe in everything you do and protect those you love and hold dear, as well as those around you. They are what matters most and hurting them cuts deep and will never be forgotten the wounds you cause, EVER. 


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