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Some of my erotic poetry
8 hours ago. July 26, 2024 at 10:14 PM

Dominant display

Hand wrapped tightly in her hair I control her in every way, I love to feel the power when I'm putting on a dominant display

Her body is my playground, her pussy's mine to own, I love to sip from it, the juice is mine and mine alone

Hands forced above her head, I pin her flat against the door, I whisper dirty words to her, I tell her she's my little whore

I force her down onto her knees, before her is my cock to suck, she gives me such fantastic oral pleasure before we start to fuck

With my thumbs I spread her roses petals, I flick at her juicy bud inside, I'm in control of her orgasms, she cums when I decide

Her claws are buried in my skin, I love them dragged along my spine, how I love the pain and the pleasure the mixture really is devine

I take her to the very edge I leave her hanging on it for a while, eventually I give her my permission and has she cums she thanks me with a smile

She's drown our bed in pussy juice, exhausted now she's been allowed to cum, as she gets up to have a shower I gently pat her on the bum

I love to give her pleasure she really is my very special doll, as for me I just love the power of being the one who's in control


1 day ago. July 25, 2024 at 10:26 PM

Purple play

I've bought you a prezzie it's something I thought you'd like, it's a new purple leather flogger and on the handle there's a spike

The leather feels so very soft and I know Purple is your thing, I'm sure when it's put to use it will leave an awesome sting

Tied up in the dungeon, the flogger I bet will leave its mark, just the very thought of it is igniting a naughty spark

We have our Purple blindfold, we also have some Purple lingerie, we could do like a themed night, some lustful Purple play

The tails on this flogger are quite long, they will cover a lot of skin, the thoughts making me very excited, I can't wait for a night of painful sin

I think I'll get some Purple rope to finish off the Purple theme, oh to please you in your favorite colour will fulfil a long term dream

So open up your new present Sir, I hope I chose just right, I can't wait to feel it on my skin, when we have a kinky Purple night


1 day ago. July 25, 2024 at 7:25 AM

One button at a time

I slowly undo the first button on your dress we're standing face to face, the excitement is slowly building I can see your heartbeat race

With every undone button more of your body comes in view, I'm trying hard not to rush the experience but I'm desperate to get to you

The third button gives up at last it put up quite a fight, the fiddly little fucker tried to ruin my fun tonight

The struggle was worth it my nimble fingers won the war, I can now see your lacey lingerie I now need to see some more

Finally the blouse falls open, your gorgeous cleavage adorned in lace, you're wearing my favourite colour you've a knowing smile across your face

The skirt was much easier I did the long pull on the zip real slow, you wiggled till it slid to your feet it was a playful show

There you stood in seamed stockings high heels and red lace lingerie, I took a few pictures as a reminder of the day

You then took me by the hand and led me to our bed, I stood whilst you undressed me then proceeded to give me head

We spent the night together our bodies soaked in sex, moulded into one, we went through so many positions whilst we raced towards the morning Sun

Sated exhausted we laid quietly in each others warm embrace, I watched you drop off to a peaceful sleep, I just couldn't stop looking at your peaceful pretty face


3 days ago. July 23, 2024 at 10:03 PM

A little lust

Take me as your Master, I desire to have you has my slave, I want to own you fully and do all the things I crave

Let me be your dominant you can be my submissive babygirl, spend our lives on a kinky path if you'd like to give this life a twirl

Together we can grow as we both travel down our paths, I'm sure there's be love, tears and fun, I'm sure we'll share some laughs

I would be so proud to own you, I'd show you off together hand in hand, heads held high with honour as we stride across this land

With you right beside me I'm sure there's nothing that can't be done, all my life I've been searching for Miss Right and I know you are the one

Just thinking of being with you puts a smile across my face, the thoughts of your gorgeous body makes my heart flutter, pound and race

So please place your hand gently in mine, in me please place your trust, I will love, honour and respect you and throw in a little lust


4 days ago. July 22, 2024 at 10:03 PM

Give yourself to me tonight

My cock is hard and throbbing, lust is pumping down each vein, you are all I'm thinking of it's like you've over ran my brain

I can't think of nothing else, I try to block you out but you're all that comes to mind, all I can think of is me and you doing things of the kinky kind

I want to nestle my head comfy between your gorgeous thighs, eating out your juicy pussy until I want to hear your moans and sighs

Perhaps tie you to a flogging post or put you in a set of stocks, three delicious holes to choose god how I almost wish I had more cocks

Your curves are so beautiful I was mesmerized by a single kiss, if I had to use one word to describe it I would have to pick just bliss

I want to run my hands across you, let me get drown by your pussy's wine, I want to own you completely, I just need to make you mine

You ignite something in me you set my heart and soul alight, bring yourself righg over here and give yourself to me tonight


5 days ago. July 21, 2024 at 9:55 PM

Let me lead

It's time for a kinkfest I'm feeling horny and want to play, I've got a whole lot of naughtiness inside and it's coming out today

We can play dress up I've of got loads of new dirty kinky toys, we are in our sound proof dungeon so feel free to make some noise

The hot wax is at the ready it's the right temperature for your skin, I've got cubes of ice and nipple clamps all we need to have some kinky sin

The ropes are ready I've brought some cuffs so I'll bind you nice and tight, you'll be my sleazy sex toy there's no escape for you tonight

I'm gonna take you through every emotion you will feel both ecstasy and pain, you're going to the very edge and once you've calmed you're going to your sexual edge again

Excitement is waiting come on let's go through the dungeons door, I'm desperate to start our kinkfest, I just cannot wait no more

Come on baby just take my hand, let me take the lead, let me guide you on this kinky quest, so on our passions we can start to feed


6 days ago. July 20, 2024 at 10:39 PM

Love drunk on your wine

Oh the drink is flowing, we're having the most wildest time, I'm feeling intoxicated on this delicious pussy's wine

It has the most delicate of flavours, with a subtle aroma just like a fresh bloomed Rose, I do so enjoy sipping it with the fragrance wafting up my nose

Each sip brings us pleasure we move together in such perfect time, people search years for their happy place, I know that I've found mine

I could easily become addicted to the taste I just want to sip it more and more, I swear I could drink this everyday, of that fact I am so very sure

Making sure I spill none making sure not a single drop goes to waste, I open wide and lap up every wave I'm sipping with a wanton haste

You quiver quite frantically as you serve me up another yet another wave, I just keep on lapping it all up, your are the wine I crave

I must confess I can't get enough there's simply never to much, you truly taste devine, I'm addicted to your pussy and getting love drunk on your wine


1 week ago. July 19, 2024 at 10:36 PM

Playground for my tongue

I slide myself between your thighs I'm looking for some fun, I know there's no better place than the hole that's near your bum

It's so wet, warm and inviting it is by far my favourite place, if I could go absolutely anywhere it's where I'd put my face

Nestled between your legs it's a heavenly place to be, glistening with sexual anticipation it's always ready just for me

I always struggle to control my tongue it's just desperate to dive right in but I know I should not rush and to not appreciate her gifts would truly be a sin

Just Skimming around her soft pink folds before I flick at her swollen clit, making sure i pleasure every inch of this deliciously wet and hungry slit

Lapping up her juices, getting myself love drunk on her wine, taking her to pure ecstasy can't be rushed I must always take my time

It's my tongues favourite playground, it's the place it just loves to be, I'm delighted that you're always open, this gorgeous playground built for me


1 week ago. July 18, 2024 at 10:08 PM


Some may call it kind of kinky I just think it's a kind of playful game, who cares what people call it does it really have to have a name

Bondage or BDSM a tittle doesn't really change a thing, as long as it's consensual and you enjoy all the pleasures it may bring

Some people try it once and don't like the kinky pain, others can't live without the feeling and do it time and time again

Some love the marks it leaves, they love bruises on their skin, to them it's so very pleasurable and has nothing to do any kind of sin

The feeling of the flogger has it wraps around you and starts to bite, the senses are in such a heightened state, you're excited throughout the night

So if your not into the lifestyle it doesn't give you the right to judge, nothing you say or think will change my life my choices you will never budge


1 week ago. July 17, 2024 at 10:23 PM

Not knowing that I'm there

Oh my god here she comes, come on Ron try to look real cool, no words just nod casually I do your best not to stare and drool

She's the office goddess she moves around with such elegance and grace, I hate being sat behind her I wish I could see her face

She wears the latest fashion, though sometimes her skirts are short and tight, her make-up is done impeccably, her hair is styled just right

All the men buzz around her, she is without a doubt an office flirt, with a smile she could lift your spirits or with a frown you're in the dirt

She holds court in the lunch room, she's the office Queen, she tells tales of her exploits and the places where she's been

I watch the others fall at her feet, she's forever on her phone, she's always so busy and so popular I bet she's never on her own

One day I swear I'll talk to her perhaps ask her out on a sort of date, I bet we'd have a lovely time and we'd probably get on so great

Until then I'll stay quiet I'll just admire her from my office chair, watching her go about her day not knowing that I'm there