Quick recap I had been living for the most part as a lesbian and due to things addressed in other blogs family raised me to want to be a male although I'm not FtM, I never really got in touch with the fact I'm physically female.
As I got older though I went from being bisexual/ pansexual in theory to practice I started to find men really attractive and wanted them to have sex with me and fuck me these were brand new feelings I felt like exploring.
My best male friend of 16 years was the first person I had these feelings for maybe because I loved him already so much or before I went away to college we spent a lot of time together. Either way I had fantasies of being with him and well last month I finally got the chance to act on it.
A warning to other ladies before you get too excited about someone wait and see if they are sexually compatible because the experience I'm about to share was so disappointing I'm still kinda recovering from the shock.
First when I showed up he was timid and scared to go for it even though he had been talking dirty to me for months. I mean was he lying all this time, did he not want me, I mean thats why I went to visit in the first place.
Granted what happens next is where i kinda messed up I shoulda just left but I started crying about him being a liar and how we can stay friends but he better kiss my pussy goodbye since he ain't ever gonna see it sexually.
I don't know if it was the tears or the fact he realized how much I loved him to be that upset, or something about how my make up starting to run as I was so distraught.
But he was like ice I love you lets go to bed and see what happens. I was insistent I don't want pity sex just leave me be, you made it quite clear you perfer your hand to a flesh and blood woman who loves you.
But no he agreed and slowly my sadness turned to some excitement so I went to his bed and he started undressing me and caressing me and I started to nibble on his neck and whisper sweet nothings in his ear he decided he wanted to try and mount me so he threw me down on the bed and ripped me panties off all going good so far but then the trouble started.
He was so outta shape him trying to mount my tiny comparative frame was hard for him he was like pushing off the walls i could see him struggle I offered to change positions but I think it hurt his pride so he said ice shut up i got this.
Then as he was getting ontop he like threw his back out and screamed in pain. Seriously you can't make this shit up. I was like are you ok?
He was whimpering but now finally he said lets try something different so i got into a cat position by the edge of the bed and he tried to have sex with me but he was so far and his dick so below average it could barely make contact without his belly pushing me over like oh my fucking god seriously.
Then after that he went so limp he was disgusted at his performance but then he remembered he had cock rings that he thought could help get him up me I was ready to end the misery but fine whatever try that then.
I was so agitated because this was my first time trying to be with a guy and I loved him but my god this was so pathetic I wanted to keep from crying again for a whole new reason.
Then he beat his own penis with the cock ring even though i offered to help seeing his struggle to get hard wasn't a turn on at all it was like yawn now I see why women partners are just so much better sometimes.
Then I was like honestly we can be sexual without your dick I can teach you some tricks I have done with women.
He got so defensive I'm not one of your bitches ice I'm a man and I can do this. Well apparently he couldn't and he was so frustrated I decided to offer to give him a blow job since he was so distraught at his performance I felt almost obligated to give him a consolation prize.
He loved it because I really have a strong oral fetish and thus know how to work my mouth tongue and lips really well women give you alot of experience with the proper suction and tension.
It didn't take long he barely lasted a few minutes his early ejaculation from it didn't even give me much oral pleasure literally it takes more licks to get to the center of a Tootsie pop.
He then was tired so he kinda just went to bed. I was like ahem what about me. He had the audacity to be like oh well you can just masturbate.
I was like excuse me why not eat me out or at least play with my breasts or something. He was like ice my back hurts and well I just orgasmed so now I'm tried and relaxed.
I literally couldn't believe it was happening he was just such a shit bag stereotype. In what universe is this desirable.
I never had a female partner be so unable to offer any real joy or enjoyment back. He was just a selfish outta shape bore that to be honest I would have been better off leaving it in the land of make believe because this idiot still wants us to have benefits.
Like are you kidding me yeah its a benefit to you but for me it was little more then the worst sex I've ever had since I loved him and now I know if rather be hit with a bus then do that again.