I write a post about hating myself and how confusing life is and i get like double digit likes and quite a few comments.
I visit a dungeon two days in a row and have one of the best weekends in my life and like hardly a word.
I do find it odd how it seemed people here seem to more willing to try and lift someone up when they are down which is good but a hug and good job when someone is genuinely happy and having some fun experiences its like eh not interested.
Also some of the people I have chatted on this website that extended into real life contacts didn't seem happy for me or interested.
Its kinda funny to see how people who pretended to be your friends quickly start to lose interest when they don't think they will get to be your top your dom your play partner or more.
I am on a BDSM website for crying out loud did people think I wouldn't enjoy a dungeon? Or make friends or find fun man O got invited to after parties that seemed to kick off even more fun experiences but I had work to do for school.
Anyway this is just venting i am glad many of you tried to lift me up when I was feeling like shit but I wish you could be happy for me when I'm having a good time as well.