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IceGirl​(switch female)Verified Account

Ice Girl's public thoughts.

Me just sharing what comes to mind.
2 years ago. November 25, 2022 at 2:54 AM

As some of you may know I list over 50 pounds in 5 months and put on a ton of muscle. i am training for competition Taekwondo.


So i been feeling really great my flexibility is almost at the point where i can put my legs behind my head again and do near full splits while also having some amazing tone in my arms and legs even my abs are starting to peak out again.


Yet as great as the transformation feels it comes at a cost.


I expected the getting hit on constantly by men that I'm used to what I didn't expect was all the female cat fighting. I have lost a couple of Friends who keeps saying ive changed and if you read my blogs yeah maybe I'm a tad more confident and busy but I'm not just running about being odd about it i have so much insecurity that at times I piss females off by iust crying.


I had this on friend who refused to speak to me because I was crying to her about how upsetting it is to get hit on and cat called again. Shes overweight and kinda has a shitty attitude but we were always friends but me complaining about an actual issue she took kinda personal and she broke down and told me she always wish she got cat called and she feels like I'm rubbing it in her face how much prettier I am.


I am so bad at even having these conversations because it doesn't matter that I am getting " objectively hotter" it doesn't change that I'm insecure confused nervous and anxious about all of this.


I lost the weight for taekwondo not to have my female friends not want to hang out with me because they are jealous of all the attention I been getting. 

JonNoDigits​(sub male) - To quote the movie (THE INTERVIEW) “they hate us cuz they ain’t us” if your friends are upset at your for improving yourself they weren’t real friends to begin with. Friends should be happy for your successes, and be willing to listen during hard times. Sorry you’re going through that, I’ve experienced the same thing in the past. Jealousy can tear it’s head in many nasty forms.
2 years ago
IceGirl​(switch female)Verified Account - Thanks Jon ☺️ one of my best friends Amber out right refuses to talk to me at all... We were best friends for 5 years when I was 240-280 she always loved talking to me.

Now that I'm 220 can do push ups with someone sitting on my back and she's like anya your no good for my self esteem you make me feel like a disgusting unwanted bitch.

Its like what did I even do just exist?

Was she only my friend to just feel good about herself when I was outta shape and depressed.

Hell I had another crazy situation some dude nat on an app feel so hard for me claimed I had to be manipulative because for me to say I don't date gotta be bullshit since I'm too hot not to have a string of people lining up.

I was like dude seriously 😳 i haven't been in a healthy sexual relationship since 2015. Having people say its gotta be bullshit is both hilarious and sad.
2 years ago
JonNoDigits​(sub male) - That’s super awesome about the push-ups! Today I just did my first pull up in like 3 years of not being able to do them so it’s cool to see other people hitting accomplishments too!
2 years ago
MasterBear​(other butch) - This is all kinds of problematic- from you and others.
2 years ago

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