I was feeling a little aroused and excited figuring I'm about to go out tonight I better do something to take the edge off so after about 30-40 minutes of manipulating myself to orgasm yet now I'm even more lit.
Now I'm excited and wet its a real issue I keep forgetting for me the first orgasm is reall sorta just a warm up its usually till the third i start getting over sex and kinda want cuddles or some sorta light sensory play.
I'm sorta bored maybe I will do some knife play tonight or whip somebody haven't done either of those in a while the trouble with being a female switch is a lot more people wanna dom then sub for me.
But you never know whats gonna happen maybe I will do sime electric play I haven't experienced that as a sub yet I bought a violet wand but don't feel comfortable using it until I have more experience.
Anyway gotta get dressed so i can drive over.