For the 7th or 8th time this year I had a female boss at a company I work for complain about my pants.
Note I been working for this particular company since September, and no one before today had any issue with my pants.
So the person who hired me a manger today asked a very stupid leading question "didn't I give you pants?"
I said yes you did but when I was hired you said I could choose to wear my own pants if I preferred.
To which she replied snarky "they have to be navy or black.'😡
Then I took her pants and matched them to the company shirt showing they are the exact same color trying to show her they are the company colors! ☺️
She then got irate and said " the company shirt is royal navy why are you trying to peacock around wear the proper pants your pants need to be dull and drab."😤
I mean how is the excat match of my companies colors not company appropriate? 😵💫
Also why did it take 4 months to notice or say anything? 🤔
This keeps happening because my butt tends to look good in certain pants and insecure women with no butt harass me.
They feel a need to try and make me self conscious about my body. Keep your insecurities to yourself!
I have had managers literally fondle my butt before as they were complaining about it, another touched my panties. I am starting to seriously lose my patience with this obsession over my butt.
One of my friends jokes butt too big yet it really is annoying to be harassed for my body constantly.
Why is it that no matter what you wear as a female people gotta find a problem. Ill fitting your not put together, too fitting your a slut, to much skin your a scank not enough skin you're uptight.
Why can't people just stop policing women's bodies when they obey company, work, school, or other policies?