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IceGirl​(switch female)Verified Account

Ice Girl's public thoughts.

Me just sharing what comes to mind.
10 months ago. January 31, 2024 at 1:51 PM

Terfs are the most Bigoted People Online.

This is my response to people who believe in the myth of binary gender.

Having a discussion about topics that include Intersex in the media is acceptable.

However, doing so in a way that is rude, dismissive, and outright bigoted towards members of the community cannot be allowed to stand.

In my own life, I was initially labeled male by medical teams because I have XY chromosomes. But my body wasn't responding to testosterone and developing correctly during puberty. The reason was I wasn't merely someone with androgen Insensitivey but had Swyer syndrome. Hence, the medical "experts" reclassified me as female medically and recommended me having operations to correct previous operations.

Now, here I sit, responding to my life and the debate about Intersex with a unique perspective. I have lived experience, and like other Intersex people, I am sick of other people telling us who we are.

I was raised male, genetically male, and thought I was male; wanted to be male, yet puberty had other plans. Due to uterine tissue, the only development of a female phenotype, including secondary sex characteristics, and living as a female for over 20 years, I am more accepting that this is my reality.

I never wanted to be female, yet at this point my gender I consider gender fluid because, at times, I am ok with my body being this way and accept it.

My experience might have been rare, but it happened at other times; I damn the universe for having me born in such a bizarre situation. Genetic males shouldn't have vaginas or periods; thus, it's mentally upsetting.

But why do I feel this tension? It's not innate. It's because of people who debate intersex existence. It's because of the hate and intolerance we face, and I have faced throughout my life.

It is because my own family, many friends, and the people I interact with made me feel like a mutated freak who would be better off dead. It is for these reasons that many Intersex advocates fought for and won the right in many countries for third-sex status.

Many Intersex people, myself included, do not feel male or female. Our bodies and lives are something different entirely from the trans and cis experiences. I may not legally have fought for the third sex designation for my records (fear of even more bigotry).

I understand why many intersex people feel it is necessary to better have their identification match who they are. In short, in my life, I have been legally and medically both male and female. I have identified more as a man, yet now, living in a pretty much cis woman's body, I consider myself gender fluid. If all this is true in my own experience as one solitary case study of an Intersex life. How can anyone judge or understand the unbelievably wide range of possibilities?

I share my story to raise awareness about the lived experience. This isn't a textbook article on a disorder. I'm a living, breathing person who has had to live with my conditions for decades. For intersex people, trans people, and questioning people who read this, live your truth. Everyone should seek to be the most genuine, honest version of themselves. This is your one chance to make your dreams a reality just be yourself, there will be hardships, but not being yourself is wasted potential.

As for those who seek to use Intersex as a debate tactic, be it trans people or terfs, there is a problem when you make a population already dealing with real health issues a more targeted minority. At least try to have intersex people's voices on the matter if discussing us.

Many of these debates do not have the best interest or concern of Intersex. The issue here is not trans people; they just wanna be left to live their lives in peace. It's bigotry and hate because Intersex is a reasonable demonstration that there is no sexual binary, even physically, that it now has created a sub-industry of grifters who want to try to rob intersex people of our identity and put us into the male-female binary to uphold their myopic worldview.

Although for many Intersex people, the binary works, it doesn't for everyone, including myself, and I personally don't need to debate anyone to know myself. We have already legally won the right to be considered a third sex. Thus, anyone who tries to debate binary sex has already ignored biology, medicine, the law, and the state.

Below are some starting points where you can be educated about third sex

mzzy - Everyone should have the right to be treated as another human being, because that’s what we all are !
10 months ago
IceGirl​(switch female)Verified Account - Would be nice if more people felt that way. I just am tired of the discourse around trans and Intersex bodies. People should really just mind there own business and leave issues like that uo to the individual and there medical team.
10 months ago
Oliver Void​(dom male) - I have heard of that condition, I can imagine it being a shock and struggle. When did you find out 14 older? The mental stress alone from being told your one thing then to go to another. In your opinion do you think it would be better to have a M / F / I for intersex or what do you think would be the solution? I believe with the xy non response to androgens there are still testicles but inside the body correct? It is a sensitive topic and people should leave it up to individuals and their medical team like you said - still you show bravery opening up and sharing I applaud that.
10 months ago
IceGirl​(switch female)Verified Account - I never had testicles, I had what's known as streak gonads or ovotestis. They were removed from my body as a teenager. There is various arguments on if it is useful or not in removal I was not given the choice.

Seeing as it's been over 25 years of knowing I have a female body and I still struggle with it at times yeah it's hard.

There is a concept in some animals called imprinting ie ducks who follow the first person they see or whatever. Well in my developmental years I thought I was male a highly sensitive effeminate male who got along with females better then boys but a male non the less.

When my highschool tried to force me into the female gym for my own protection because my breasts were so developed and body that it was creating issues that's sorta when I just totally became a shut in for awhile.

I didn't tell anyone I wasn't a typical female until 28 and it wasn't until 36 that I gained the courage to be open about it.

Look I genuinely can't help that my body made me unable to masculinize and have a female body so why should I be ashamed.

Additionally I am not sexist I don't feel having a female body or being a female person should be looked at as a negative.

Although most my life I would have jumped at the chance to be born a normal male. lately I have adapted so much I think I have gotten sorta comfortable.

Most cis women dont want to be males and I think the older I get the more comfortable I am in my own skin the less I think of it as a "mistake" and the more I just see it as another way to be a female.

I do have to say this was after my family did almost everything in my youth to try and masculinize me. So on some level acceptance has to be a part of it.
10 months ago
lambsoneVerified Account - Thank you for sharing the unique person that you are and your life experience with us.
10 months ago
IceGirl​(switch female)Verified Account - Hey this is me in a way working through it and also helping to gather my thoughts one day I plan to write a book about my life and experiences getting comfortable with it is very important also growing over all the shame and confusion.

There are days I feel this has been really helpful but other days when I feel talking about my life has made me a pariah.

I was on here to help get back into BDSM which is something I missed and although I do play on occasion I have had very few people show any interest in me as of late to be more then one night stands.

I feel talking about my condition has turned off many men and women to ever wanting to interact with me which is something I am used to but still hurts.
9 months ago
lambsoneVerified Account - I think writing a book would be an excellent idea. You seem to be able to express your life experience very clearly and eloquently. It's something more folks should become aware of.
9 months ago
IceGirl​(switch female)Verified Account - I'm working on how to express it all it's like where to begin and end. But at the same time sometimes I get so depressed thinking about my life and my past I don't want to spend anymore time thinking about it.
9 months ago
lambsoneVerified Account - Yes, I can imagine it is intense thinking about it and you need breaks definitely. You have a gift explaining about it so I hope someday it will be a finished work.
9 months ago
mzzy - It is good that you are more comfortable now, people with negative thoughts, probably have many things they are trying to hide. Live and let live .
9 months ago
IceGirl​(switch female)Verified Account - I mean the main issue is still I thought I was male having a conversation in my teens that I'm really a girl and my health id reliant on abandoning the attempts to craft a male body is just so intense.

I had a really bad run in with a doctor about a year ago I was seeing them because I was put back on progesterone and it caused me to start having periods again and I didn't like it and she was like it's time to wake up and get to reality your a woman and this is healthy and natural.

What she saw as a success was terrifying to me another decade plus of periods there are some days when I wonder if I can handle this life or if I even want to.

Imagine how many men you know who'd want to live the rest of there lives as women?

To say well I'm not a man I guess that's true but it's not the easiest to just embrace my situation either.

The majority of my life if I had a choice it would have to been born a normal male.

Only recently have I started to think If I had a reset I would rather have been born female but even that stresses me out. I wonder if it's just that I been living in a female body so long with female hormones has it contaminanted my personality.

One of the reasons I hate the hormones besides the periods is when the cycle is in it's ovulation window I get attracted to men when normally I'm not and I really have a body impulse to get fucked.

I hate those feelings I don't care if its natural they are weird and off putting to my normal baseline.
9 months ago

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