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High protocol.

Does anyone besides me long for the days of High Protocol?
1 year ago. August 4, 2022 at 5:05 PM

I believe I am going to piss off about 75% of the people on this site with this attempt at a blog! However I have noticed a problem lately, not just here in the Cage but all over the net. It has to do with attitudes of Doms, Tops, and Masters ( I respect gender identification politeness, I am Male so I am using the He pronoun set for ease of typing.) and the way they address and treat others online. To do this properly I feel the need to explain my background a little so you might understand my peculiar views on this subject!

I am 53 years old, and I became involved in the BDSM lifestyle when I was 19, that's 34 years ago, before the net arrived in our lives. Back then in the dark ages we had to interact in person. There was a set protocol of conduct used by all in the society at that time. You didn't Have to follow it but we didn't Have to invite you back to our functions either, as many new people discovered with their resistance to using said protocol. It's simple we had rules and if you choose not to adhere to them we choose to ignore you completely as in exile from our society. Protocol was usually the first thing taught to a novice either sub or Dom. It was simply politeness in social occasions, treating others with the respect you want to be treated with. Of course back then you just couldn't show up and call yourself Master, you would be laughed out of the event. No you had to earn that title and the respect that went with it. I was taught by a Mistress in Germany way back in the 80s so my take on protocol is both archaic and European. I spent 5 years under her tutelage before anyone called me Dom or Master. Now you have 16 year old's who are adequate with computers claiming to be Masters when they can barely spell BDSM let alone understand its varied nuances. 

So I said all of that to share this piece of wisdom and advice to all who are wondering the sincerity of those online you are dealing with, as in are they real or just trolls. Here's the advice watch how they use protocol in their demeanor. If they use it then they are probably real and have experience in real life with other lifestyle groups. If they act like entitled twats they are probably stoned living in their Mothers basement trying to pass time on a Saturday night!

Just because someone identifies as a sub and you identify as a Dom doesn't give you the right to act disrespectful to them, they are not your subs!  And you might want to try being more respectful to the other Doms as well. Ok enough of this rant hope it helps, but I seriously doubt it!

SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - Yeeeeerp! 👍
1 year ago
moll​(other female){owned slav} - Absolutely!
1 year ago

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