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Lace upon Steel
1 year ago. September 26, 2022 at 3:18 AM

My first ever blog!

After reading a few blogs that have been posted. I wondered if it was something I could do. Having never understood the need or reason to blog, here I am. Dipping my toe in. 

I am a "wana be slave " However, I live in a vanilla  world.

Living in this world (vanilla) is extremely stressful. I have to be responsible. I'm expected to be emancipated. Woman around me want their independence.To be successful, to be competent, strategic, and resourseful . Superwoman.!!

Me..... I am confused... I have had a chance to be in the lifestyle, but only online. Yet. I did not manage to keep my Master and so here I am trying to work out how this journey is meant to go.

I have labeled my blog Lace on Steel , my reasoning and thoughts, are to compare and understand the femininity of lace against the force of steel. 

There are so many changes, that take place within a woman who finally can recognize her place. Who comes to realize the truth about herself. So many questions to ask. She is forced to look at her life. her wants and her needs. Above all she is forced to face the edge of that Steel.

So if you will, follow me on this journey A journey of change, desire ,and lots of fear. A path to the truth and realization. 

I am probably walking the most important path of my life. Asking questions....alone, but strong .  Maybe between us, some answers will come. So join me on this journey of self realization


cynamn​(sub female){No} - Thank you Sir. I read your blogs and can see there is a thread of discovery.... My first ever comment... thank you
1 year ago
ozark hiker girl​(sub female){Owned by E} - Welcome! I've been in this world for only a few months and have discovered my slave side. It was disconcerting to begin with but I've settled into it and feel so good in my role now. I've written about my journey too. Stay hopeful and keep writing!
1 year ago

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