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A Sub? A Domme? A Switch?

Just a place for my musings while I figure out my place in this world
6 years ago. November 28, 2017 at 8:23 PM

****This is Edited****

I had writtsn this post when I did not have control over my emotions, I did not have all the information, and when I did not understand the repruccissions my posts may have. My emotions are to be shared and expressed but not in the manner I choose below. They should have been held with dignity and respect not only for myself but for those involved. I was hurtful because I was hurting and that is not okay. To have pain and talk about it, is a great thing. To have pain and use it to hurt others only because you can is not. I am okay now. The people involved are okay now. We talked, got all the information, found the problem and then found a solution. We worked it out and no matter how small the situation is, full communication is always needed as is trust. 

You upset our Domme. We trusted you to keep her healthy and strong. We allowed her to rely on you; to believe this is a Dom who can handle us, take care of us. You do sometimes but she needs to be healthy always. This wasn't the first time you forgot about her but it will be the last we allow her to trust you to not do so. She is and always will be ours.

I was hurt/angered this morning and I found out it was all because of miscommunication and a lack thereof. I'm still upset but not at the person. They didn't hurt me like I thought and I apologize for that misdirected anger. I did not know what I do now. She is still ours and I'm not going to rely on anyone to take care of her health but know its not out of mistrust or hurt but the distance and messed up schedules. 

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