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Allie’s Space

This blog will be entries of various head spaces, Subspace, Littlespace and Kittenspace.
4 years ago. September 10, 2019 at 1:19 PM

To all who is reading, this is a real time, typing my thoughts as they flow in my brain down to paper, kind of blog entry. So I was typing what I was thinking in a span of a couple minutes. I have inattentive ADHD and am the Queen of Procrastination and Overthinking, all due to this little problem.


“I have work at 5pm, but what time am I out? I have work again at my other job. I have to make money. I have to pay rent. I have to get groceries next week. I have to get gas. I have to get sleep. I have to get more money. I have to get a new job. Oh yeah, I have gotten two emails from job applications from a company. I have to reply to that. I have to see what position I applied for in that company. Was it a manager position? Or were they thinking that I have strong managerial skills to offer me a management interview?!  

I have to help my sister. I have to pick up my other sister. I have to finish my loan application. I have to be available for my family when they need me. I have to pay my phone bill. Why is my bill so high? I have to find a carrier. Will open it on my phone and leave it in an open tab so I can look at it later. I wish I can be filthy rich and have an empire like Jeffree Star. I aspire to be as successful as this beautiful person is. I want my own cosmetic line. I want to graduate. I want to become a successful Licensed Psychologist. Wow, my family is now betting money on me graduating or not because it took me a bit. I don’t know if I will graduate in time or not.

My heart is so broken and I dislike that I have disappointed him.. I cant help how my brain works. I miss people in my life, I dont like my morning without certain things done. I dislike that I lose people, I love people however value my privacy.” — *brain working too hard and mixed with emotions that I cannot express into thoughts nor words anymore*

ADIDAS - Hello Ms. Allie, I'm a mature subbie and a " little" . I do truly relate your post as this is exactly how my brain works too! And isn't it exhausting?!? Trying to stay just one step ahead? Or if we can't do that, just try to keep up!!! *** sigh***
I hope just knowing you're not alone gives you some comfort because it sure does me! Thank you Ms. Allie for sharing your deep thoughts today. You just never know who you'll touch in a real way that's meaningful for them or you or both. ☺
Ms. A💗

P.s..... I'm betting on YOU!!! You're awesome in whatever you chose. Please don't ever forget that!! 💗
4 years ago
Allie92​(sub female) - Thank you very much for your kind words. Yes, its difficult to keep up.
4 years ago

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