Bottoms Up 🍑
2025 was supposed to Rock.
Not Hit Rock Bottom.
It has been one shit storm after the other.
First, a dynamic ends.
8 months of bliss turns to ashes without warning.
None of it being from anyone doing something wrong, mind you.
Just life getting in the way.
Then the snow storm.
Ice everywhere and miss work.
Pay check zilch.
And now i have fallen down three steps. Bounced my left leg 🦵 off the bottom step.
Broke my Tibia 4 inches from the ankle. Plum in half.
Broke the Fibula another 4 to 6 inches up my leg, plum in half.
About 6 inches from the knee.
i also have fractures.
Three of them, coming from the Tibia break to the Ankle on both sides into the Medial & Lateral Malleolus.
And a third one coming up from the Talus i think that is the name of that bone.
i now have a metal rod, that they have went in over my knee and shoved it down all the way to my ankle, and it stops all the way up top, to right bellow my knee cap.
i also have screws holding that into place.
And with that rod into place holding my Tibia together, automatically puts the Fibula together.
Doc had to also put a Screw in the lateral Malleolus and a pin in the medial Malleolus.
To hold my ankle together.
i had a job interview a second one, knowing full well i had the job in advance making 4 and a half more on the hour.
And fell the day before my interview.
So no job now.
And I can't even work at all, even at the job i already have.
Because the Dr. Says I will be out of commission for several months if not more.
So i'm out of work, all by myself, no body around, no family, and no help.
Bills to pay, rent to pay, car payment, all that jazz.
And I live pay check to pay check.
But i, instead of looking on the down side.
And let me tell you.
That is so hard for me to do.
i worry 😟 a lot.
Instead, I am looking at all i can do to make use of this nightmare i have found myself in.
i am going to look into doing some classes that may help me to find a desk job.
Or maybe I can find a desk job where they are willing to train me on the spot.
Or maybe, an online job through Indeed.
Idk yet.
But, ima make something happen.
Until then, i honestly don't know how it's all going to work out.
But i'll be damned if i don't go down without a fight.
Also, i live up two flights of steps.
Fun times. 😁
And I'm doing it all like a champ.
i have to.
i have no other choice.
Thank You
flitter'fly... :):):)
dawnrobin 🥰
January 29th, 2025
I broke my leg. And I am still to this day, as of Monday, February 3rd, 2025 sitting in the hospital, not able to put weight on my foot.
I still have a long ways to go with physical therapy.
If it were not For Bad Luck.
I'd have No Luck at all.