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Pieces of me...

4 months ago. December 20, 2023 at 5:03 PM

They say absence makes the heart grow fonder... is that the same for diatance?

I am very much a submissive that needs touch. I do not consider myself needy or high maintenance, but real life interaction is something I feel I require. I find myself in a position where I am forming a seemingly strong connection to someone who's touch is 5000 miles away... the likes of it is unknown to me yet, somehow I miss it. Normally this would be a cause of anxiety and stress. I have interacted with dominants who were half that distance, much more accessable and not been able to form a meaningful connection. This one though... he is different. I dont see the distance as an obstacle but more of an opportunity... 

This is not something I was looking for. I have not been actively looking for a dominant for a while now.


Do I know what I'm doing? No

Do I have any expectations? No

Am I making an effort? Yes

Is that effort being matched? Yes

Is there a degree of caution? Yes

Am I holding back due to that? No


I only know one way to be... that is authentic. Me at full strength is enough to send most people running in the other direction. I'm a lot. I know that. I refuse to water myself down to bring someone in close just to annihilate them with my potency. Luckily the dominant I speak of doesn't have a glass jaw. 

He has been respectful and observant of appropriate boundaries. While I have been accommodating, I have not felt pressured to do anything im not comfortable with. He does not consiser me declining a request as a show of disrespect or defiance. I am able to speak to him freely without fear of him getting angry at my language or decorum. (Although, i am respectful, because thats who i am) Which seems like common sense because I do not belong to him... however, many dominants speak to submissives as a lower class. As if they are entitled to liberties only those who own us may have. When I am not in a dynamic with someone... i do not afford them the ability to speak to me or request/require things in the manner that MY dominant may. The bind between a submissive and dominant is sacred to me. A foundational principle I was taught when being introduced to the lifestyle. Only MY dominant is given access to my submission mind, body and soul. I am enjoying the time we spend talking. It's been a daily occurrence and even with the time difference the time and effort is being made to reach out to me each day. I'm am hopeful without setting myself up for disappointment. If that makes sense. What is distance anyway?

5 months ago. December 12, 2023 at 11:20 AM

As I laid in bed, everytime I reached for my water I remembered what my task was and how you described it.

I pictured you standing/laying behind me, your chest against my back... my head back nestled in your neck. Your arms around me like a fortress. Disappearing into the safety you afford me. I close my eyes and release the deepest of breaths. My heart is racing and my skin set ablaze having you so near. With my exhale I let go. All my anxiety. The days tension, my hyper vigilance melts away. I listen... imagining I can hear your heart beating, that my breathing mirrors yours. 

I feel very emotional. The ability to finally rest... lay down my masculine and dive into my feminine, where I've been longing to be. Feeling safe to do so is something I've desired for along time. The warmest sensation engulfs me. It's peace.

My mind is quiet here. I feel as if I could drift into refreshing sleep. Then I'm overwhelmed with tears... at Your sacrifice to do such an amazing thing for me. I feel secure and cared for which is something I have not had most of my life, even in childhood. I know when I'm in your arms nothing bad can happen to me. That I am valued as the person I am. I am understood and doted upon such that you look upon me in admiration, taking care to tuck my hair from my face behind my ear ever so gently so that I don't wake up. 

I hear you whisper "I have you, you are mine" in my ear. I melt. I know I am safe and exactly where I should be. 

It's organic and natural. To fall I to your arms. It seems I have found something I searched for so long... something up to this point I was convinced did not exist. I reserve parts of me knowing this will not last forever. A bridge of sorts. I allow hope but not dreaming. I do not think of the future. Only what is immediate. Take things as they come remembering not to fall into emotional mind, stay present in the wise mind. As of this morning, in your arms is where I want to be.


5 months ago. December 10, 2023 at 10:30 PM

For a long time I have struggled with the old me lingering in the shadows. Refusing to let go as I fought to grow and change as a person. To become better... to become the person I have just recently realized I have become. Full of love, caring, understanding and compassion. Not only for myself but for others. 

In order for this to happen, I had to experience tragedy once more. I allowed myself to open up and care for someone who turned out to be unworthy of my love. Rather than withdraw and beat myself up, I accept this truth with grace and an understanding that I was not previously capable of. 

He is very much the person I used to be. Struggling with addiction and self loathing... unable to break free from his demons. Inviting them in just as I used to. Believing that his suffering is penance for the wrong he has done in his life. Letting it infect those closest to him. Those who love him the most. He's not well. Tripping in and out of psychosis as he drinks himself into oblivion. Throughout all this I thought I could save him. The only problem is that he doesn't know he is drowning. Perhaps the reason I can see it is because that was very much me a few years ago. Destroying all that I loved and everyone I held dear. 

I now know, the old me is dead and I have been reborn. I sit here packing his things with love and care... taking the time to wash and fold his clothing and wrap and protect his fragile belongings so that when... or if he decides he wants them, they are ready. 

He attacked me as a person, as a would-be wife and as a mother. In one breath he would praise me and in the next cut me to the core. Only being consistent in his inconsistencies. He lays our demise at my doorstep. This weight I can bare. I have broad shoulders. I move forward with grace and compassion for a man I showed love, but that wouldn't allow himself to be loved. Surely I will be the villan of his story. I move forward knowing the old me is dead on arrival.


8 months ago. September 19, 2023 at 5:48 PM


Success, achievement, prosperity, change, transformation, day


The shape of Dagaz represents a stable balance between polar opposites, especially between light and dark. It is the rune of the light of day, midday and midsummer. All of those times are full of strength and well-being. Dagaz has great protective powers and is also a rune of health, prosperity and new openings. It will stop harm from entering but will still allow those helpful energies that we need to come into our lives. In the spiritual realm, Dagaz gives people access to cosmic consciousness.


Dagaz means day, and in the Nordic lands of long nights and winters, the day is strongly associated with light and life. Dagaz is the essence of natural daylight, the new light of dawn, and the strength of the sun. Spiritually, it is the divine light, the high point of the natural cycle of darkness-light-darkness. It signifies brightness, growth, progress, development, and sometimes fundamental change.


The divine light is guiding you towards your goal. True and good fortune will be with you. You are well protected by the power of the light. It will give you a clear vision to avoid dangers, but don't be blinded by your ego. Remain humble and thankful for all the good things that come to you.


Dagaz is the power of transformation, which causes life changes that lead to a new event and a difference in the person himself. Everything needed for the changes is already there, and the transition should take place now.


Dagaz is also a rune of opposites. This can be seen even in the outline of the rune, which looks like two connected triangles. But these are not opposing sides, but harmoniously existing.

8 months ago. September 16, 2023 at 5:57 PM


Winning, willpower, vitality, purpose, inspiration, leadership, achieve the objective, confidence


Sowilo is a rune of force which channels the powers and energies of the sun. It represents the illumination that the sun can sometimes provide. Sowilo resists death and disintegration and allows light to conquer dark. With the illumination of the power of the sun, we also tend to see our goals more clearly.


Although Sowilo is well known as a victory symbol, it can also be used as a force of the attack. It is a positive force because it is the natural power of the sun. Spiritually, Sowilo symbolizes clear vision, and the victories of light over darkness, good over evil. It admonishes one to use the powers of good to vanquish evil


Sowilo is about energy and purposefulness. It tells us that now is the most favorable time to succeed in an important matter because you will have enough energy and determination. The interpretation of the rune almost always comes down to success, but as a rune of energy, it also means that significant efforts will be required to achieve the plan.

8 months ago. September 16, 2023 at 12:32 AM

My rune of the day....



Relationships, a balance of giving and receiving, a gift, a magical exchange, honor, partnership, balance

It represents a gift, whether it is a present, an attribute, a certain skill or ability. To the ancients, a gift always called for another in return. So accepting a gift place you under an obligation to the giver - the gods, destiny, another person. Gebo can also mean a partnership or union, in business or in love. Or it can mean forgiveness — perhaps the greatest gift of all — to give or to receive. Gebo is commonly used as the sign of a kiss - the symbol of affection.

A gift presents you with the choice of acceptance or rejection. If you accept you must be prepared to give in return. Everything has its price, but with spiritual gifts, the cost is always worth it in the end. You must find the balance between giving and receiving and learn to give responsibly. This means deciding when to give and who to give to as it is not appropriate to give to everyone indiscriminately

Gebo is an equal partnership, understanding, and respect for each other. What is needed now is not a leader that will lead everyone but well-coordinated cooperation that will provide a positive and quick result.

8 months ago. August 26, 2023 at 2:58 AM

It's almost laughable this time. Getting friend zoned by someone I made so many allowances for.

It's almost like he waited for me to catch feelings.

Why act in a manner as too draw me in just to throw me away?

I really hope you feel better about yourself. I hope you got the enjoyment you were looking for. I hope that was the ego boost you needed.

I don't need friends that mask their intentions and act like something they aren't. 

You just reinforced my desire to be alone. 

That is not a mistake I want to make again. 

Trust no one. Give zero fucks.

9 months ago. August 1, 2023 at 7:50 AM

I have so much on my plate right now... before I can digest one task it seems like two more are added. There is literally not enough time in the day... work is great but ive taken on the additional task of teaching 2 men how to read and write (on my time, no OT sanctioned) so that I have to rush to finish my daily work to meet with them after group. I've been accepted into a training program to further my career which will take an hour away from my work (still no OT sanctioned)... I also have supervision training to complete on my "free time" at work before my boss goes on vacation as I will be the "go-to" while she's gone. I start school again this coming Monday. I also have a male sub offering his submission to me, throughout all this I hesitate taking in a submissive due to my rigorous schedule because I dont feel I have the time to devote to him that he deserves. He is unfazed by my concerns. Yet, I still struggle with the idea of owning a submissive while I have all these balls on the air. Its times like these I wish Tyr were still around... for advice, comfort and mentoring. There is still very much an emptiness inside me. My inner submissive locked away as I navigate life in my masculine because that's the only choice I have. *sigh*

Where is my dominant? Where is my sanctuary and peace?... my safety...

9 months ago. July 22, 2023 at 2:06 AM

Did you know that unicorns arent really that amazing... it's just a stupid horse with a stupid horn on it's stupid head. 


So if you take the stupid horn off it's stupid head... it's just another stupid horse that gets lost in the stupid herd.


Just saying

1 year ago. March 17, 2023 at 4:47 PM

I'm fixing to deactivate my profile for a bit.