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Mental Illness Dismissed by a Dom

When someone takes time to explain the severity of a mental illness and how hard it is for someone else (like yourself) to deal with or handle, don't just dismiss them.
2 years ago. December 29, 2021 at 4:47 PM

Immaturity, name calling and blocking/ghosting, as a response to me simply explaining things from my perspective, in hopes of getting you to understand what my problem is and why I am very irritated about it, is EXACTLY the problem and pattern in your responses that i was trying to point out to you in the first place. Don't call someone a liar for simply expressing to you how your responses make them FEEL! Especially when I have EVERY message sent back and forth and can give MULTIPLE screenshots and visual representations of EXACTLY what I was pointing out to you.

I know I am screwed up in the head, DUH!!! I warned you REPEATEDLY for days and with MULTUPLE pictures that EXPLAINED in DETAIL exactly how my brain/emotions work. Along with the fact that I used MULTIPLE different ways to explain it as simply and precisely as I possibly could explain such a complex, horrible, and god awful TORTUROUS mental/personality disorder. I even gave you VERY SPECIFIC RESPONSES (with the examples of "what exactly NOT to say") that all you had to do was go back and look at it and type in one of the 8 acceptable "validation/hope" responses listed there. EVERYTHING I sent to you about my disorder, I sent to benefit YOU. To give you AS MUCH insight and detail into the EXACT issues that are caused by it and even gave you a cheat sheet with VERBATIM responses to whatever issues came up during any given conversation with me.

I made it as easy as I possibly could make it for anyone! You are not the first person I have done this for since I first learned about it and how to handle it. But yet you are the ONLY ONE that has taken the simplest act of me JUST EXPLAINING my feelings and why I was having them, so personally that you felt it was necessary to call me a liar and tell me that I was full of shit.

Go back and read EVERY MESSAGE sent between us. Look at YOUR RESPONSES to me simply explaining something to you! You say that is me "talking down" to you or "treating you like you are stupid",  when in reality I am trying to help make MY MENTAL ILLNESS EASIER ON YOU!

But instead, you respond by calling me a liar, telling me I am full lf shit and then blocking me before giving me a chance to respond. THAT EXAXT RESPONSE from you is the EXACT issue I was explaining was the problem. You obviously did not read the things I sent you on my disorder. I did my best to try to help you understand what it was going to be like DAILY and simple ways to respond to make it easier ON YOU! (This disease is complicated for everyone bc it's so new and misunderstood by most)

And that is what makes me the bad guy. Because I got upset(over something simple as it explained in the SIGNS OF BDP I sent you when we first started texting) and heaven forbid I attempt to explain to you what I am irritated about. Which is also very difficult for me because sometimes I DON'T even know what I am upset about in the moment. But I tried, so that it would be EASIER for you. 

Guess i should be like every other female and just say "if you don't know why I am mad, then I am not going to tell you". I don't expect a mind reader. I just need someone who actually pays attention when I send things that explain what is happening and how to deal with it. Hell you didn't even have to fumble or figure out how to respond/deal with it bc I LITERALLY sent you the cheat sheet to COPY responses from. I took ALL OF THE GUESS WORK out of it entirely.

It still wasn't enough to keep you from COMPLETELY making me feel like CRAP for having a disorder you obviously don't even want to ATTEMPT to understand or put up with. Like I said, everyone but me can walk away from it. I am stuck LIVING WITH IT. I KNOW it's a pain for anyone to deal with. I told you this early, so you could simply walk away (no hurt feelings or need to explain why) before going any further. I did my best to prepare/warn you about this horrible illness. The sad part is, you haven't even ACTUALLY experienced it on ANY level of severity. This was just me being me, and explaining how your responses to me(simply) getting irritated about something, were very dismissive and hurtful. I didn't have to work and concentrate so hard (during a time that makes that almost impossible) to try to make MY ILLNESS easier ON YOU.

Do cancer patients or anyone with a deadly PHYSICAL ILLNESS have to find ways to make THEIR illness easier for healthy people to deal with? Do they get called liars when thier physical illness makes them tired or hurt which can make people "moody"?

I just wanted to attempt (stupidly) to explain to you ONE LAST TIME what this DISABILITY is like. But you COMPLETELY INVALIDATED me and my feelings in one sentence. I AM NOT A LIAR NOR AM I FULL OF SHIT!!!!! THANKS a lot for being that asshole that calls someone's ILLNESS out as BULLSHIT!!