What brings you here...?
Actually, I am quarantine because I have Covid-19 and have no idea what to do with myself. Yes, I was vaccinated-I'm not stupid. However, you still shed virus. Still, can make other people sick. Given my profession, I have no choice BUT to quarantine. I haven't taken a vacation in years and realized I really no longer have hobbies. I have cleaned... ok the cleaning lady kept it pretty neat before this, but I have to be a responsible adult and clean up after myself. Mostly, I have been wandering around the house trying to figure out what I am supposed to do with myself. My cat Bast keeps looking at me like I am an invader in her space.
So, here I am, listening to it rain and do patient evaluations via telehealth. The scheduler is keeping my bookings light. I wandered the internet. I have been meaning to check this place out. So.... here I am...I nap... I force fluid. I do breathing treatments to keep my lungs clear. My Rope Bunny teaches kindergarten so she's staying at her place. I don't feel really bad... but still haven't seen her much because my job means being at the hospital. That really is a constant exposure situation. I argue that the snotty nosed gremlins she deals with are probably equally as infectious. She always takes offense at that. I think its the gremlin comment.
Anyway... here I am.... how is your day?