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Just my opinion…

I could be wrong
1 month ago. May 14, 2024 at 8:28 PM

Very often, I am in one state and Umber in another.  Life often conspires to make that time apart longer than I care for and it’s going to get harder and harder to make time together happen.

I suck at long distance relationships.  Life gets busy and chaotic.  I’ll call later becomes I didn’t call but I will tomorrow.  Before you know it you’ve drifted apart.  Long distance is hard. I’m determined that won’t happen this time.  

There are things we do to keep things together.    I am a creature of habit. I find myself building routines that include her. If I am there 7am est is teatime. When I am here teatime is 6am but it’s 7am for her.  Normally, Umber is either- it’s five am oh my gosh time to get up and bounce through my day or it’s 10am and the only thing between you and your eminent demise is this monster ultra.  So, giving her structure because of my teatime helps (like most subs, she’ll do things for me that she won’t do for herself).  

So, when I am here- of late- morning tea is spent FaceTiming while I go through my calendar and she is putting together her task list.  She snaps a picture and sends it to me.  Then she’ll ask what my day looks like.  I give her an overview even though she has access to my calendar.  

It’s mundane and maybe a bit boring.  However, there’s so much I can tell in the mundane things.  She’s been fight some challenges lately.  I can tell from that morning ritual if they are getting to her.  The first greeting, sometimes quiet, sometimes cross and sometimes so bouncy I can feel her vibrate from here says a lot.  I gauge it and I’ve learned her.   I start my day with her.  I end my day with her.  300 miles or so away but I know where her head is. 
There are things we are still working out but I would love advice or suggestions on making this work.  Long distance isn’t easy but miles should be the only distance.



Susie Q{Daddy Ant} - Long distance is difficult. Looks like you’re doing so well, keeping communication open is so important and you’re doing that. I wish you both the absolute best!
1 month ago
Blondie​(sub female){Collared} - In my past dynamics that were long distance, we did as much as we could to be connected. We shared Google drives for pictures and journaling. We had a Spotify playlist that we could both add music to. We even played online games together. We chose Words With Friends and added little treats for the winner of each game. I won’t tell you who won most of the time. (me….it was me). 😁

Good luck and you guys got this!
1 month ago
Sir Don​(dom male){Nt looking} - Staying connected as much as possible, as said communication is the key.
Making time for each other even if it's a 10 minute call....
Of course it is going to be unique to you and her.
Wishing you both the best.
1 month ago

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