2 years ago. February 11, 2022 at 12:29 PM
Double bind
Nov 19, 2021
From a young age we tell boys to stop crying, be tough. We are creating a concept in our boy's, that they are criticized for having emotions. That suppression of feelings is what a man does. Just put your head then and move forward. This is perpetuates an emotional disconnect as men go through life. The fact that their emotional state doesn't matter is ingrained. That they have no safe space to express those emotions. That no one cares.
How do men connect then? Sexually is the most common way for men to feel that emotional connection. To be intimate, his desires, his love language is literally physical. The only acceptable way is in this manner. We see this confirmed socially by other men elevating themselves in societal hierarchy by the number of said sexual conquests. This is their language, so different from mannerisms from women.
Girls are emotional creatures. Allowed to live out childhood fantasies and encouraged to feel and talk out their thoughts. Most cases how to be a homemaker, caregiver, and professional. Our need to express our feelings, often times over indulged in romanticism and fantasy create a false expectation that men kill themselves to achieve. Women communicating, even at times over communicating, can be perceived to men as nagging. Why? Because women want you to do what you were raised not to do. Women get frustrated men always wanting sex sex sex, trying to give that emotional connection to us but each other not knowing the other's language ride a merry go round of mis interpretation.
Societal norms created these barriers between each other. Women not receiving that emotional connection verbally can literally not crave or desire sex. Men wanting to show us emotional connection but being denied their language that is physical are trapped and feel rejected, unloved, unwanted, confirming the rules that we set as a society.
Round and round it goes. Nagging vs sex.
We must change this way of raising small humans. Boys and girls. The lack of effort or recognition of the problem will continue this cycle. Any small step taken is the biggest step any of us can make.
But...i am an upbeat, optimistic, radio active ball of fucking sunshine. Here is the glass half full, anything can happen twist.
Sexual revolution, with healthy discovery, awareness, and, heh heh heh deviancy I have and will continue to reach out to man needing that safe space to emote. Communicate to women this love language and they can also do the same.
This cycle, for me, stopped when i discovered BDSM. That may sound cheesy, but in all honesty, we are in a dynamic that E/each speaks the O/others languages and actually conversate. Support in the bedroom and life by the O/other. Pushing boundaries and peeking behind curtained doors.
That E/each have the O/other to go to when before there was no one. When T/they really need someone to just listen. Be there. Let T/them get off T/their chest T/their worries and fears. Knowing with Y/you, they will not be judged or ridiculed. What is said is never used against T/them for selfish needs or blackmail. T/they are valid in those emotions experienced. T/they have and T/they are feeling them for a reason. T/they, like everybody, are an ever evolving individual with the human right to do so in a healthy and supportive environment, surrounded by people that only lift T/them higher and not drag T/them down.
I'll take that every day all day over "normal" in others eyes. Be there when your Dom/me needs you the most. They are there for you every moment of every day. Revel in the knowledge that you B/both would rather set the world on fire than to not have the O/other. Rebuild in a different perspective., stronger and more rewarding than mundane ever heard mention of. This is the world i exist for. But I'm just one person... on a box and open for conversation.
What say you?