6 years ago. December 27, 2017 at 11:48 PM
Some context....I few friends and I give each other titles of poems and we HAVE to write a poem from the title. This is what I got.
Wanking into Granny's Stockings.
Cold December,
Sitting by the fire
a sudden urge took hold
a perverse intention .
I felt it must be done,
If not now never,
I unwaraped
grandmother's present
innocently sitting under the tree.
The stockings,
from MnS.
so soft they were.
on my soft skin
My hand slid down.
I touched my cock.
as I watched granny porn.
Porn Hub has it all you see.
I bashed one off.
Making them unclean.
Wrapped them so.
and with a smile
Gave Granny's
Stockings to granny on
Christmas day.