If modern times have taught us anything, it's that having a soul is a LOT of hard work. Wouldn't it be good to have a vast circle of supportive, smart peers to help you out?
Announcing NARSA, the home of big hearts and big words.
NARSA (the Not A Real Slave Association ) is for all of us whose visions of submission, slavery, and pettitude don't match every frame of some popular porno.If you've been sneered and snarked at by a Generi*Dom or similar Super-Expert, you no doubt have been slapped by the "not a REAL Sub/Slave" simultaneous put-down and diminishment at least once. Never fear! NARSA is composed of people who have actually survived this savage monosyllabic stinger, and they can help YOU survive it too!
I pictured the old NASA "Meatball" logo with the swoosh and a buttplug silhouette. You know... Timeless. Classy.