So for the last few months I've planned on moving to Florida, Fall 2018. My older sister is the reason I'm able to even think of this (medical problems in my early 20's shot my credit to hell, and I've been slowing been working to get it back in the good but its not) We put an offer in a house yesterday, and they accepted it today :D
Which means, its really happening. I'm moving to a different state where I only know three people. Sure my family will visit.Once a year. But I'm moving to a place where I'll have to start over. New Doctor, new vet, new Supermarket. For someone with social anxiety its a daunting task. And to top it all off its not just finding/making new friends (to which I've never been good at) but also finding a new club.New scene friends.
It took me seven years just to make the few connections I have. Seven years of finding a club that I call my home, of getting to know people in the scene. And now I have to start over.
What The Fuck was I thinking?
I need to go throw up now.